Conference On Greenhouse Gas: Fully Funded For Experts From Developing Countries

Offered in collaboration by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Changes (UNFCCC) Secretariat and the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR), UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT is a professional training on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories to national experts from developing countries. The deadline for applications is on 7 May, 2018. 

GHG inventories are a key source of information necessary to understand where each country, and the global community at large, stand in terms of GHG emissions. Through a tailored and focused approach, the programme aims to significantly boost the technical capacity of developing countries.

For global cooperation, the GIR organizes the Cooperative Green Growth Modeling Forum (C2GMF) and the International Modeling Conference (IMC) as well as its unique GHG training programme since 2011. The organizational collaboration will serve as a model for delivering a targeted professional training programme, and for future SouthSouth cooperation that responds to the training needs of developing countries in the area of MRV and the transparency framework.

The key points of this year’s event will include reporting and review under the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement; GHG Inventory Compilation; Sectoral GHG Estimation Methodology, and GHG Modeling Analysis. The round-trip flight tickets, meals, accommodation, per diem will be provided to the selected candidates. The forms should be submitted via email to You can download the application here (

Main criteria

  • Applicants should be current government officials, consultant and researchers with relevant experience in GHGs or climate change response related field from a developing country;
  • Candidates should be holders of at least a Bachelor’s degree and work as junior level employees;
  • Capability to understand lectures in English is required.

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