Challenge for Young Designers

Young designers from all over the world are welcome to present concepts that can help solve a global need in one of five Grand Challenge Areas. The designers of the best concepts will work with experts at XPRIZE to further refine their concepts and develop them into the robust, incentivized competitions that take a global stage at Visioneering 2018. The deadline is on 23rd of July.

Grand Challenge Areas:

  • Energy of the Future
  • Feeding the Next Billion
  • Lifting Farmers our of Poverty
  • Natural Disaster Prediction
  • Saving Coral Reefs

There are no particular criteria for applicants. Designers must submit a design concept within one of the five Grand Challenge Areas (GCAs) and film a 90-second video introducing themselves and pitching their prize design. Both teams and  individuals are welcome to submit an entry Up to three entries for each GRA will be chosen for the next round. They will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the XPRIZE Headquarters in Los Angeles, California to attend the Hackathon.

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