Career Opportunity for Photographers Around the World

International media company Pearson announced contest for photographers from all over the world. The winners will get $500 for each selected photograph and will have a chance to work with Pearson on paid projects in the future. Attention! Only one day left to apply. 

Pearson is the world’s leading learning company, with 40,000 employees in more than 70 countries around the world.  Whether it’s through new digital learning products in the US, developing qualifications and assessments in the UK, training school leaders in the Middle East, teaching English in China, or educating professionals through content from the Financial Times, we’re helping people make measurable progress in their lives through learning across all life stages. 

Up to 20 photographs, as chosen by Pearson’s panel of judges including world renowned photographer Rankin, will be selected. The photographers will receive:

  – $500 for each selected photograph

  – Exposure for their work across Pearson’s official channels, subject to the discretion of Pearson

  – Pearson will contact selected artists directly regarding the potential to work on paid projects in the future

Deadline for submissions: August 18, 2015 at 10:00 AM

Official website.

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