We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events.
What are the best universities for getting a job?
According to the newest ranking by higher education think tank QS, California’s Stanford University retained its top spot in the ranking. US universities claim five spots out of ten in this list, as expected. Australian universities perform well, with two of their institutions in the top 10, namely the universities of Melbourne and Sydney. Tsinghua University from China has dropped seven places since last ranking, but it still managed to remain among the best ones. The UK’s highest-ranking institution, the University of Cambridge slipped down a place, and is now at position number 6, while the University of Oxford is at position number 8.
Cambridge University considers allowing typed instead of handwriten exams
Cambridge University considers allowing iPads and laptops in exams in order to have typed exams instead of standard, handwritten exams. This idea came after tutors complained that students’ handwriting is becoming more illegible. Academics fear that students are losing their ability to write by hand, and this 800 years long tradition could come to an end. As a part of their ”digital education strategy”, with the pilot exam that already took place earlier this year in the History and Classics faculties, this topic will be discussed.
Staff at Makerere University face degree forgery prosecution
Some of the degrees from one of Africa’s most prestigious universities could be withdrawn after an investigation raised the possibility of marks being altered marks being altered at senate level – after submissions by lecturers and college or school registrars. Makerere University’s Academic Registrar Alfred Masikye sent a letter to the university’s Chief Security Officer, Johnson Macunguzi where he said:“You are requested to make progressive reports on the action taken on each of the listed people within a period of one month.” Recently, Makerere University announced that it will recall law degrees that have been awarded irregularly to their students in the past decade. Makerere University Vice-Chancellor Barnabas Nawangwe stated that suspected staff have already been suspended.
Photo: Shutterstock / collage: Martina Advaney
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