Call For Mentors In STEM – 1,000 Girls, 1,000 Futures

Female STEM professionals and PhD students are invited to participate as a mentor in the 1000 Girls, 1000 Futures mentorship programme. Mentors will work with participants aged 13-17 from September to June. The deadline is on Saturday 31st July 2021.

Female STEM professionals and PhD students are invited to participate as a mentor in the 1,000 Girls, 1,000 Futures mentorship programme. Mentors will work with participants aged 13-17 from September to June.

The deadline is on Saturday 31st July 2021. 

The New York Academy of Sciences organises a virtual mentorship programme for  young women ages 13-17 from around the world.

1,000 Girls, 1,000 Futures participants are enthusiastic learners with a passion for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). 

Women in STEM have the power to transform the career pathways for girls around the world and inspire the next generation of female STEM leaders through mentoring. 

From September to June, mentors meet with students twice a month to provide guidance and support them in developing 21st-century skills.

Mentors are also invited to share their journey and professional experience at expert talks.

The deadline is on Saturday 31st July 2021.


Main Criteria

To start and complete the online application, you’ll need to provide your background information and respond to essay questions. 

Qualified mentors for 1000 Girls 1000 Futures are self-identified women who are either pursuing a Ph.D. in a STEM-related field or currently working in a STEM-related field. 

Mentors must be able to communicate clearly in spoken and written English and commit to three to five hours of programme training monthly from September to June.

Find out more now.

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