Blogging Internship With Voices Of Youth

Voices of Youth opens applications for VOY blogging internships. The 3-month internship, starting in June 2016, offers young people an opportunity to develop writing, research and critical thinking skills. Deadline to apply is May 20th.

Voices of Youth is UNICEF’s vibrant online youth community. Currently they are looking for 10-15 young people from across the world – fluent in English – who will blog at least once a week and participate in online discussions on the platform. During the internship, selected participants will be supervised by a VOY Community Manager, who will provide tips and tricks on how to write good blog posts.


  • Young people aged 14-24;
  • Fluent in English;
  • Interested in blogging.

Please note, the internship is done by remote participation, which means that interns are not required to travel anywhere. Upon successful completion of the internship, interns will receive a certificate of merit by UNICEF.

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