The Spider-Man With a Heart of Gold (video)

People and the media in the UK have been going crazy for last couple of weeks, trying to find more and more about the mysterious man that dresses like a superhero and walks the streets of Birmingham at night to feed the homeless.

The man behind the mask of Spider-Man is unknown and wants to remain that way. All we know is that he is a twenty-something-year old bartender who likes to spend his nights catering to the those in need.

His “uniform” may be funny looking but to those who come up to talk to him he says that he used to do the same without the suit but nobody paid attention. This way all eyes turn to him and he can spread the word about his cause. 

He goes out every night, buys sandwiches and then goes into an alley to change into his costume.

Spider-Man likes to remind his fellow citizens that Birmingham has the highest number of homeless people in England.

The anonymous Peter Parker has had previous experience with volunteering and charity as he helped the vulnerable with Albert Street Project, a homeless charity in the city.

A lot of people have fallen so much for what he does that they tried to donate money to his cause. He accepted none of them and said that if people want to help, they can do so by joining him.

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