Biosporin: The Magic Mushroom Changing the World

The Live Interview about the ecological solutions of constructive materials with the innovator and scientist Nikola Stanojevic, organised by Youth Time International Movement will be held on Monday 19th April 2021 at 4:30pm CET (Central European Time).

The Live Interview about the ecological solutions of constructive materials with the innovator and scientist Nikola Stanojevic, organised by Youth Time International Movement will be held on Monday 19th April 2021 at 4:30pm CET (Central European Time).

It is free and you can be easily registered with this Zoom link.

If you would like to be introduced to the topic, you can read the article about Nikola in Youth Time Magazine- The man behind the “Biosporin”.


What You Can Expect?

Moving into the future, sustainability and mitigating climate change is at the forefront of many people’s minds and finding solutions to clean up our planet are paramount.

From plastic pollution to deforestation to rising CO2 levels in the oceans to mass extinctions, progress and globalization has created massive problems that need imminent solutions.

This interview is focused on one of those solutions and the mind behind it – Nikola Stanojevic.

During this discussion, Mr. Stanojevic will explain how and why Biosporin was created, what exactly it is, the problem it solves, and why it is revolutionary.

This meeting will get down to the bones of why this fungus is mitigating climate change and changing the world for the better.

But most of all this will be an open and interactive session and we highly encourage you to ask your questions and get involved. We hope to see you soon!


Who is the interview designed, and beneficial for?

This interview would be suited to all individuals from all backgrounds.

Climate change and its many facets impact individuals without regard to borders, ethnicity, or socioeconomics.

Solutions and guidelines to move forward are relevant and necessary to everyone.


About the Speaker 

Nikola Stanojevic is a molecular biologist, nutritionist, circular economy enthusiast, and serial entrepreneur in the fields of health-tech and Ecotech.

He founded his first start-up in London at 25 years old, dealing with the processing of biomedical data for personalized medicine.

Currently, he is co-founder of a start-up in Serbia dealing with the development and production of innovation biotic materials that can help battle plastic waste and air pollution.

He is also heading a company producing health supplements in an eco-friendly and green way.

His most recent innovation, the biodegradable packaging material Biosporin, won the 2020 Innovation of the Year Award.

He is also involved in voluntary work in the UK as a consultant for rare diseases in RareCareUK as well as helping rural communities in India integrate circular economy principles to reduce pollution and poverty.

Photos: edited by Frank Spindelaar 

If you have missed other webinars and interviews, you can watch them on our YouTube channel.

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