Best Employers for Business Students Across the World

For companies that want to have business students on board, the recipe is quite simple: they have to empower their employees to continue gaining new skills and to help them adapt to a rapidly changing business scenario.

The 2015 Millennial Career Survey by the U.S. National Society of High School Scholars showed that most students and young professionals expect to find a job in their chosen field either right after college graduation or within six months of graduating. According to the survey, students want two things from their employer: opportunities to gain career-advancing skills and fair treatment of employees. Roughly 70 per cent of the survey participants also value work-life balance and a flexible schedule.

Earlier this year, Universum, a global research and advisory firm surveyed over 25,000 U.S.-based undergraduate business students to find out which are the companies they want to work for. The list consisted of 230 options, but there were only 50 that made it to the list of the “most wanted.” Google landed at the top of the list, as 23.08 per cent of business undergraduates surveyed called it their dream employer. The second position is occupied by The Walt Disney Company, which scored nearly 20 per cent, followed by Apple [13.89 per cent], Nike [12.88 per cent] and JPMorgan Chase [10.17 per cent].

However, the list changed when the firm decided to offer a global outlook on which companies are most appealing to business students from all over the world. To find out which employers are offering business students the most coveted opportunities, the firm asked roughly 240,000 students from the 12 largest economies [the United States, Canada, Australia, the U.K., France, Italy, Germany, Russia India, China and Japan] to identify the companies for which they would like to work. Google, the company which also led the U.S. ranking, topped this list and was closely followed by PwC, EY, Goldman Sachs and KPMG. The top 5 list alone suggests that banks and personal services providers are the most popular choices among business students.

Forbes cited Melissa Bailey, president of Universum Americas, saying that these categories and the companies that fall under these groups have globalized their professions, as well as their recruiting efforts, which is why they have gained business students’ sympathy. Automobiles and parts and engineering and manufacturing have gained some popularity over the past five years, while technology hardware and equipment, as well as consumer electronics and household appliances have lost ground. Retail, on the other hand, has remained steady.

Bailey explained that professional services employers have gained popularity with millennial candidates by pointing out the importance of human capital and by offering training opportunities. Industries which understand that people are their most important asset and give employees freedom to innovate are the most sought-after, because they allow business students to “come to the top as a destination for top people.” Empowering employees to continue gaining new skills is ultimately what millennials and, more precisely business students, care about when choosing an employer.

So, the top 5 most attractive companies for business students around the world:

  1. Google
  2. PwC
  3. EY
  4. Goldman Sachs
  5. KPMG

To see the full list, click here: World’s Most Attractive Employers – Business student 2015.

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