World’s Most Liveable Cities: What Place Holds Yours?

According to the Mercer 2015 Quality of Living Rankings, Vienna has the world’s best quality of living for expatriates. European cities dominated the top of the ranking along with major cities in Australia (Sydney in 10th place) and New Zealand (Auckland in 3rd place).

Zurich and Munich are in second and fourth places respectively. In fifth place, Vancouver is the highest-ranking city in North America and the region’s only city in the top 10. Other cities in the top 10 included Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Geneva and Copenhagen.

Singapore (26th place) is the highest-ranking Asian city, whereas Dubai (74th place) ranks first across the Middle East and Africa. Montevideo in Uruguay (78th place) takes the top spot for South America. 

The lowest ranking cities included Khartoum in Sudan, Port au Prince in Haiti, Bangui in the Central African Republic and Baghdad in Iraq.

The ranking covers 230 cities all over the World. Among the cities where most of the Youth Time readers come from: London ranked 40th, New York 44th, Prague 68th, Tunis113th, Sofia 115th, Istanbul 122nd, Belgrade 141st, New Delhi 154th, Skopje 159th, Sarajevo 161st, Moscow 167th, Saint Petersburg 174th, Kiev 176th, Minsk 189th.

See the full list

Mercer conducts its Quality of Living survey annually to help multinational companies and other employers compensate employees fairly when placing them on international assignments . Prepared in partnership with Control Risks, these analytical reports assess more than 135 locations worldwide on 14 factors that make up daily life for expatriates and their families, such as climate, disease and sanitation standards, ease of communications, and physical remoteness.

 The report also highlighted the selected “Emerging Cities” around the world that are evolving as significant business centers. These cities included Durban in South Africa, Manaus in Brazil, Wroclaw in Poland, Cheonan in South Korea, and more.

 The data was largely analyzed between September and November 2014, and, according to Mercer, will be updated regularly to take account of changing circumstances. In particular, the assessments will be revised to reflect significant political, economic, and environmental developments.

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