Be a Global Game-Changer: How Youth Can Influence International Policies

Imagine waking up to a world where your actions have helped create policies that combat climate change, promote human rights, and ensure global health. Sounds incredible, right? As a young […]

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Screenshot 2024 08 12 at 4.07.25 PM

Imagine waking up to a world where your actions have helped create policies that combat climate change, promote human rights, and ensure global health. Sounds incredible, right? As a young person, you have the power to make this a reality. Let’s explore how you can become a global game-changer and make your voice heard!

Understanding International Policies

International policies are rules set by countries and organizations to tackle global issues like climate change, human rights, and global health. Key players like the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) create and enforce these policies. For instance, the Paris Agreement aims to combat climate change by limiting global warming. Understanding these policies helps you know where you can make a difference.

The Power of Youth

Youth have always been at the forefront of change. Activists like Greta Thunberg with her Fridays for Future movement have brought global attention to climate issues. With 1.8 billion people aged 10-24 worldwide, your collective voice is powerful. History shows that young people can drive significant policy changes, like those seen in the Civil Rights Movement led by young leaders like John Lewis.

Ways Youth Can Influence International Policies

Advocacy and Activism

Get out there and make some noise! Joining protests, rallies, and campaigns can spotlight crucial issues. The March for Our Lives movement, led by students advocating for gun control, has garnered massive support and attention to policy reforms. Use social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to spread the word. Start petitions, share impactful content, and use trending hashtags to amplify your message. A study by the Pew Research Center found that social media is a powerful tool for youth activism, enabling them to organize events and mobilize support.

Education and Awareness

Stay informed about global issues. Join debate clubs or discussion groups, read articles, and attend webinars. Knowledge equips you to advocate effectively. According to a study in the Journal of Youth Studies, well-informed youth are more likely to engage in civic activities and influence policies.

Engagement with Policymakers

Write letters or emails to your representatives, join youth forums, and attend conferences. Many international organizations, like the UN, offer platforms for youth engagement, such as the UN Youth Delegate Programme. Engage directly with policymakers to share your ideas and suggest solutions.

Volunteering and Internships

Volunteer with NGOs and international organizations to gain hands-on experience. Internships can provide insights into the policy-making process and help you build a network of like-minded individuals. According to the International Labour Organization, volunteering and internships significantly enhance youth employability and civic engagement.

Tools and Resources for Youth Engagement

Use online platforms like and Global Citizen to create and sign petitions, organize events, and spread awareness. has been instrumental in many youth-led campaigns, such as petitions for climate action and social justice reforms. Global Citizen offers tools to take action on global issues, from signing petitions to contacting policymakers. Take advantage of educational resources like online courses and webinars to enhance your knowledge. For instance, Coursera and edX offer courses on international relations and global issues. Scholarships and funding opportunities from organizations like the International Youth Foundation can support your initiatives.

Challenges and Overcoming Barriers

Yes, there are challenges—limited resources, political barriers, and societal obstacles. But don’t let that stop you! Build alliances with others who share your passion. Use technology and social media to reach wider audiences. According to the World Economic Forum, digital tools can help youth overcome traditional barriers to political participation. Persistence is key. Look at Malala Yousafzai, who fought for girls’ education despite facing life-threatening challenges. Her determination led to global awareness and policy changes, earning her the Nobel Peace Prize.

Real-Life Success Stories

Emma González, a survivor of the Parkland school shooting, turned her tragic experience into a powerful campaign for gun control. Her passionate speeches and tireless activism led to nationwide marches and significant policy discussions, proving that youth voices can bring about real change. Similarly, Boyan Slat, a young entrepreneur, founded The Ocean Cleanup, a revolutionary project aimed at removing plastic from the oceans. His determination and innovative approach have not only advanced ocean cleanup technologies but also inspired countless young people to take action for environmental conservation.


You have the power to be picking one issue you’re passionate about, whether it’s climate change, human rights, or global health. Use the tools and resources available to educate yourself and get involved. Share your journey with friends, join a youth organization, and don’t hesitate to reach out to policymakers. Remember, every step you take brings us closer to a better world. Start today, stay committed, and inspire others to join you. You’ve got this!

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