Award For Social Entrepreneurs In Education

World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), established by Qatar Foundation in 2009, announced the 2016 WISE Awards. The Awards will identify, celebrate, and promote six innovative projects for their positive contribution to education and society. Deadline to apply is January 15.

The Awards highlight initiatives from all over the world found to be most creative and effective in finding solutions to education challenges at any level and in all environments. 

Creators of projects are invited to submit applications to demonstrate the nature and reach of their activities. All applications and nominations should be completed on the official form in English. 

Steps to take:

  • Complete the application/nomination form.
  • Provide evidence and concrete examples.
  • Numbers and data should be up-to-date and supported by verifiable evidence.
  • In case of an application form, include contact details of two valid supporters.
  • Provide real-life examples of beneficiaries when applicable.

Find out more.

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