Australia Topped the Global Youth Wellbeing Index

Australia, Sweden, South Korea and the United Kingdom are among the countries that topped the 2014 Global Youth Wellbeing Index that gathers and connects youth-related data to assess and compare the state of young people’s wellbeing around the world. The Index is developed by The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the International Youth Foundation (IYF).

The Index ranks 30 high to low-income countries in five regions that represent nearly 70 percent of the world’s youth. In addition to data availability and consistency, representative countries are selected for inclusion in this inaugural Index to ensure regional and income diversity.  If a country is not included, it does not necessarily imply data gaps, nor any analytical judgment on the level of youth wellbeing. 

More than 50 experts and stakeholders from 35 public and private organizations were consulted in development of the Index. It is comprised of 40 indicators grounded in economic and social growth and positive youth development theory and practice. 

They reflect the national enabling environment, youth specific outcomes, and youths’ outlook and satisfaction levels across six domains: citizen participation, economic opportunities, education, health, information and communications technology and safety and security. The data is drawn from public and independent sources that generally measure youth from 12-25 years of age. 

Rankings are scored between 0 and 1, with 1 being the highest. The overall score is a weighted composite of the six aforementioned domains. The results are broken into four performance-based tiers: high, upper-middle, lower-middle and low.

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