Apply Now For The European Youth Award 2016

The European Youth Award (EYA), a pan-European contest to motivate young people, social entrepreneurs and start-ups to produce digital projects with impact on society, is accepting now applications for #EYA2016. Deadline is July 31st.

EYA is seeking and rewarding the most creative digital projects (eg websites, apps, wearable devices, smart things or digital installations). They can be submitted in eight categories reflecting the goals of the Council of Europe and the EU strategy Europe 2020. Comprising such fields as financial literacy, e-skills and sustainable energy, they directly address Europe’s most pressing issues and ask for YOUR solutions. But there is also one special category for those whose projects are so outstandingly creative that they don’t fit anywhere this year: Open Innovation!


Healthy Life: fitness, nutrition, healthcare, med tec

This category is about physical wellbeing and helping people with health conditions to lead happy, fulfilled lives.

Smart Learning: education, e-skills, open science, infotainment

This category is about finding new, creative approaches to education and learning.

Connecting Cultures: language, travelling, diversity, new communities

Projects submitted to Connecting Cultures may promote and support e.g. multilinguism, understanding and knowledge of different cultures and communities, creation of new contemporary forms of culture but also the preservation of indigenous knowledge and traditions. The category is also open for creative websites or apps facilitating sustainable and safe travel by giving up-to-date travel information, supporting orientation in cities and countryside or enhancing intermodal use of public transportation. Connecting Cultures projects may also foster communication beyond borders or generations. 

Go Green: sustainable energy, mobility, smart cities, climate change

This category comprises environmentally friendly solutions for the benefit of our world.

Active Citizenship: citizen journalism, social cohesion, human rights, (wo)men empowerment

This category is about exposing injustice and fighting social exclusion. 

Money Matters: financial literacy, employment, fundraising, fin tec

This category looks for solutions that enhance economic understanding, fight poverty and help people to make a decent living. 

Open Innovation: disruptive apps, entertainment, crazy stuff, digital magic

This category is for all the unusual, crazy, digital projects that don’t fit in any of the other categories but still have a strong impact on society. Digital projects submitted in the Open Innovation category can be, for example, funny games, artistic apps or digital contemporary arts projects. However, the goals of Open Innovation applications should be to improve society or reflect and raise awareness for social grievances.

Special Category 2016: migration, integration, inclusion, refugee movement

Main criteria:

•    Creative minds under the age of 33 (born on or after January 1, 1983)
•    Living in one of the member states of the European Union or Council of Europe;
•    Who have produced an outstanding, innovative digital project to improve society.

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