Applications Open For The ASEF Young Leaders Summit

The 2nd edition of the Asia-Europe Foundation Young Leaders Summit (#ASEFYLS2) is for young thinkers and doers to dismantle the conventional and to bring forward fresh ideas and solutions for a more inclusive, fair and accessible employment market for the youth. The evnt will be held from 4th to 8th of May in Seoul, South Korea. Participation is fully funded. Deadline to apply is March 20th.

Themed “Access to Youth Employment”, ASEFYLS2 contributes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular goal 4 (on education), 5 (on gender equality), 8 (on decent work) and 9 (on industry and innovation). The project focuses on 8 thematic areas linked to job-creation and inclusion: 1) age, 2) education, 3) disability, 4) finance, 5) gender, 6) location, 7) social backgrounds and 8) technology. 

ASEFYLS2 is as an experiential space and networking hotspot where 150 young minds from 51 ASEM countries meet influential leaders from Asia and Europe. The programme is designed to nourish a constructive exchange of ideas and good practices, hands-on skills development and concludes with a Call for Action addressed to the ASEM Education Ministers. The ASEFYLS2 line-up of speakers, panellists and mentors includes top-tier policy makers, thought-provoking academics, daring entrepreneurs and civil society advocates. As a highlight of the summit, personal interactions between the youth participants and the ASEM Leaders/Delegations are also arranged during the event.

Main critera

  • Citizens of any of the 51 Asia- Europe Meeting (ASEM) partner countries;
  • Young professionals and students between 18-30 years;
  • Fluent in English.

There is no registration or participation fee. The organisers will provide participants with travel  subsidy, accommodation and meals.

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