Amnesty’s First Online Course On Freedom Of Expression

Amnesty International, the global human rights organization has now entered the e-learning world. Free registration for the first Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) Human Rights: The Right to Freedom of Expression is now open and the course started on November 17 and end on December 9.

Amnesty International has for years safeguarded the right to freedom of expression and supported activists and civilians all over the world that have their right abused. Now it is calling everyone with online access and knowledge of English language to learn from the experts at Amnesty International how to claim and defend their rights in this human rights course.

The course will run for three weeks from 17 November to 8 December 2015 promising the following three learning objectives:

  1. Knowledge of Freedom of Expression as a human right. This short course will equip with the knowledge to understand and claim the right to freedom of expression, and the skills and confidence to take action to defend it.
  1. Ability to critically assess information related to Freedom of Expression. Participants will be challenged to think critically and devise effective actions to defend the human rights of others.
  1. Skills and confidence to take action to defend Freedom of Expression. At the end of the course you will be able to adapt the human rights of freedom of expression, association and assembly to real life situations and come face-to-face with human rights activists on the front line of human rights defence.

Following an interactive model the participants are expected to indulge in human rights through case studies -including real cases of individuals at risk- share their thoughts and concerns with each other and with the facilitators and moderators from across the human rights movement.

Interested? You can register for free at Amnesty’s first open online course (MOOC) on freedom of expression. If you also wish to obtain a verified certificate a cost of $49 is applied.

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