All About YT Summer School In 7 Simple Answers

President of the Youth Time International Movement Mrs Julia Kinash talks about upcoming Summer School, reveals some of the secrets and opens up (a little) plans for the future.

This year YT is holding its fifth Summer School. What will its main features be and what is in store for its participants this year?

The main feature of this Summer School which topic is “Crisis and Society: Issues of Management” is that we will try to pay more attention to cultural aspects. We will try to make this session more informal – as informal as possible. We are implementing a new format this year: two simulation games which will help us to have a look on the spot at how the knowledge and skills acquired during training has been adopted by the participants and how they can be used. And the main feature generally is that we will work for the first time with the potential risks that exist in society and we will generally learn how to make decisions under pressure and in difficult situations. We will learn how to take responsibility for the decisions we make and we will learn to reject stereotypes and to perceive the world around us in new ways. Roughly speaking, it will be the foundations of conducting oneself in difficult, risky, stressful situations. We have never done anything like this before.

Tell more about the simulation games.

There are going to be two games: ‘Noah’s Ark’ and ‘Risk’. In Noah’s Ark, participants will learn how to make difficult decisions and subsequently take responsibility for the decisions they make. In Risk, the name speaks for itself. We will again be taking risks and learning how to make decisions but this time it will be on a global scale. In the first game we will be speaking more about the personal motives behind decision making, whereas in the second game we will be speaking about decisions made within states. That is, here participants will learn to take on responsibility not only for themselves but also for large groups of people. I am not going to go into any more detail than that. The juiciest details will remain for our participants. The best thing to do is come and see for yourself and participate fully in everything. You will definitely come away from this School with a great, positive experience.

Who can take part in the Summer School and how to go about it?

Any young adult up to the age of 35 can take part in the Summer School regardless of their sex or nationality. The process is quite simple. You need to complete the application form on our site and email it to us and we will look at in turn. Members of the International Youth Movement Youth Time are given certain preference. Their applications will be looked at first and they will go through a simplified procedure. Deadline to apply is March 20th. (Learn how to become a member)

What are the rules concerning travel, accommodation costs and conference fee?

We have a travel grant. Members of the movement will automatically receive it. It consists of up to 50% off the cost of travel. For others travel grant is available upon special request only. And refers exclusively to participants who have financial difficulties. And still not everyone can receive the travel grant; we will look at every case individually. Conference fee is 50 €. Youth Time will take on the accommodation costs of all the participants in full.


Why has the choice this year fallen on Germany’s Hamburg?

The Summer School runs in different places every year; we have been to Altay, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Italy. This year, the choice fell on this growing, industrial city which is an interesting place for its history, its innovations, and it is located in a great area. There are a lot of universities there, and generally it is a young city – young in spirit.


Will there be any awards this year at the Summer School and if so, how will the winners be chosen and what prizes will they receive?

There will be awards this year. We will make several nominations. These nominations will be announced at the very start of the school. We will install a special box. Each participant will receive a special voting form and will be able to vote for each nomination once. Voting for oneself is not permitted. Winners will definitely receive a year’s subscription to our magazine, and you can find out the rest at the Summer School itself.


What else awaits participants of the movement this year? What plans has YT got?

We have one more surprise for members of the movement. I won’t reveal all the secrets for now but we’ve got an interesting event planned. Those who follow the news on our site will be able to find out about it in the coming month.

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