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10 Years of Connecting People From All Over the Globe


10 years of connecting the world with Youth Time Magazine
10 years of connecting the world with Youth Time Magazine

Youth Time Magazine is a media platform made for youth with the aim of sharing success stories from around the globe to inspire young leaders as well as offer opportunities right across the world.

We are a community that has no borders, creating articles for young people that will give them a kick-start to success wherever they are in the world.

Share your business story with us and choose your own way.


Place Your Link

Advertise with us, Youth Time Magazine
Youth around the globe

One of the most popular SEO techniques is link building that will help you to be highly ranked on Google, to reach your target audience which will help your business grow. 

Youth Time Magazine is providing all relevant internal and external links and always finds the most suitable article for your link placement that will natively fit to the content and will match with preferable key phrases. 

The inserted link in our text gives the opportunity for you to reach our readers. The text will be shared on our social networks and tagged in the relevant category of the Magazine.

The link will be live permanently in the post, allowing you to be part of our content for as long as you wish.


Guest Posts

Guest post- Youth Time Magazine
Guest post

If you have high quality content that follows the style and rules of Youth Time Magazine, whilst covering a topic that our readers would be interested in, we will accept your guest post on our media platform. 

Unlike leasing advertising space or advertisements, guest post remains permanently present on the site and results in a better ranking of your service or event in keyword search results through popular search engines such as Google or Bing.

Not only that, but your article will be posted on our social media channels too.



Order Your Article

Order your article
Advertise with us, Youth Time Magazine

We are offering the service of writing articles for you and placing it on Youth Time Magazine. 

Our media team will deeply research the topic for you, finding relevant content, perspective and style with the aim of promoting your business and presenting it to our readers. 

This is the most relevant content since it is written by our experienced authors. In addition to this, we offer you the possibility of interactive promotion of your text, in the form of posting on the most popular social networks – through sponsored or non-sponsored posts. 

This article will be placed permanently on our website and ranked on Google. 


SEO Optimisation

SEO Optimisation- Advertise with us, Youth Time Magazine

Every shared textual content will be optimised with search engine optimisation. Our media team is making daily research about the newest trends in this field and always trying to stay up-to-date with the best marketing strategies. 

All of our content is optimised and we can guarantee that this will be the same with your material.

We have more than 4,000 articles which would help your content to become a part of our strong network with 10 years on the web. 

Our team will find for you the most relevant key phrase and will link your article with already existing articles on our platform. Your content will reach more people and will be permanently ranked on Google. 


Display Banners

Display banners- Advertise with us, Youth Time Magazine
Display banners

If you would like to promote your business through our media platform and to increase your online visibility, we are offering you the service of posting banners on our website. 

We can offer you different positions, size, custom making banners by our designers. Our media team is always here to help and to offer all available resources to provide the best results. 

It is proven that visuals are catching more attention than textual content. All details such as expiration period, promo packages can be discussed with our marketing team. 



Opportunities Around The Globe

Opportunities around the globe
Opportunities around the globe

If you want to publish a contest, scholarship or an internship to promote your courses, we have space available on our sure with high readership. 

In addition to posting on the site, we also offer our social media network as a channel for reaching as many young people as possible. 

This category – opportunities – is the most viewed in the past 10 years on Youth Time Magazine. 

Once published articles will stay temporary on our website, although will be optimized and ranked on Google. The Youth Time Magazine reserves the right to correct or even reject the content if it does not comply with the editorial policy.


Contact us

Contact Youth Time Magazine and Advertise with us
Contact Youth Time Magazine and Advertise with us


If you would like to promote your business, or to establish a media partnership with us, contact us on [email protected]/[email protected]. We will answer all your questions straight away!


How we wouldn’t like our advertisement to look like? Check out this HBO video.