We’ve highlighted below some of the most recent developments and occurrences in youth-related news and events.
Rector Magnificus of the University of Amsterdam says internationalisation should have limits
Because of the rise in the number of incoming students from other European countries, the University of Amsterdam is at risk of becoming a hostage to its own success in internationalisation. Professor Karen IJ Maex who is Rector Magnificus of the university said that there are limits to how far internationalisation in higher education should grow. As new English-taught bachelor programmes have been established, the total number of international first-year students increased. Since Maex believes there needs to be the right balance, she added: “With new developments it is tempting to strive for growth. The more internationalisation, the better. What we spend too little time thinking about is the optimal balance on three different levels: the balance between Dutch and international students; the balance between English and Dutch in the wider university environment; and the balance between programmes taught in Dutch and English.”
Zimbabwean President calls for productive education
President Emmerson Mnangagwa stated that institutions should recognize agro-based value chain industries and agricultural sector as an integral part of the Zimbabwean economy. He called for institutions of higher and tertiary education to provide skills and education that are relevant to the country’s current developmental challenges and at the same time to come up with technologies that can help future generations. He also added: ”Institutions of higher learning should not be satisfied with a very high literacy rate or about many graduates who have passed through their gates. They should instead harness their collective skills and intellectual capacity within their respective institutions to develop our beloved country.”
Accredited doctorate programmes doubled in Chile
For the first time in the country’s history, Chile has more research-based than teaching-only universities. Currently, nine institutions are offering more than seven accredited doctorate programmes. In its annual ranking of Chilean universities, newspaper El Mercurio measured 46 instutitons in total, taking into a consideration quality of student output, as well as several other factors. The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile came at the top, leaving behind the University of Chile and University of Concepción. The percentage of universities offering accredited doctorate programmes doubled from 26 per cent in 2012, to 52 per cent in 2017. Positive progress and overeall reputation of Chilean research has been significantly increased.
Title Photo: Universidad de Chile / Photo: Benjamín Mejías Valencia
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