9th UNESCO Youth Forum 2015

The Forum will take place from 26th to 28th of October, immediately before the 38th session of the General Conference, at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, bringing together young women and men from across the world to discuss youth issues and find solutions.

The event have aim to gather youth from across the Organization’s Member States to discuss current youth issues and formulate a number of strategic recommendations. These will reflect both the views of youth present at the Forum and those of youth who will have contributed online before the event. The recommendations will be presented to Member States at the General Conference.

Additionally, youth organizations around the globe will be invited to submit proposals for youth-led action projects in the months preceding the Forum. Participants in the 9th UNESCO Youth Forum will make a final selection of projects to receive the “9th UNESCO Youth Forum” label.

See more at the official website or contact the organisers. 

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