8 Month Fellowship In Global Journalism In Canada

Munk School of Global Affairs (University of Toronto’s) invites youth from all over the world who have a degree or a work experience to apply for a Fellowship in Global Journalism. The fellowship starts September 2016 and ends April 2017. The fellowship is partially funded. Deadline to apply is February 19th 2016.

The curriculum of a journalism fellowship in Canada combines mentored freelancing to major media with courses in journalism, freelance tradecraft, and seminars in global affairs.

And because Fellows’ needs are different, this journalism Fellowship is flexible; you can report in a way that works both for you and for the clients with whom the school matches you.

The school is recruiting 20 Fellows from around the world — and is seeking something different than conventional journalism programs. There are two main criteria:

  • The relevant graduate degree, professional degree or work experience to report knowledgably on any specialty.
  • Written and spoken fluency in English.

Application procedure is not tough, but it will take some time to prepare all required materials.

Find out more about journalism fellowship in Canada. 

Read more here.

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