7 Ways To Make A First Great Impression At Work

You’ve probably heard that first impressions are important, and you can’t afford to mess your first impression up. But what does it mean to make an excellent first impression, especially at work, what do you need to do to get it right? Never underestimate how important it is to make a good impression at work.

You can only have one chance to make a first impression, as this goes a long way to create long-term perceptions about you. So, putting your best foot forward on your first day can have long-lasting benefits in your professional journey. Here is a step-by-step guide for you to get started in your new job.


Dress appropriately – Dress the part

Every organization has a different set of rules. Some organizations accept casual jeans and hoodies even on a Monday, for some organizations it is smart suits or nothing, while others require specific uniforms. The best way to find out what you should be wearing is to ask your boss or colleagues before you start your first day at work. Whatever you are going to wear, make sure it is clean and well-ironed to make the best impression. A clean ironed outfit tells people that you care about your appearance and can match up to the standards of the workplace. You usually can’t go wrong if you follow your boss’s lead when choosing your work attire. As you settle into your job, it will become clear what you can and can’t wear, but for your first day, or the first week you must be top-notch in your appearance.


Smile and make eye contact

Smile and make eye contact-Interviews

When you’re in a new work environment and meeting new coworkers, always smile and maintain eye contact as you’re speaking with them. This makes you appear friendly, and this will give a good impression of you. And this can easily transfer into a positive attitude, let your enthusiasm for being part of the team and the organization show through your smile. This also shows your excitement for being part of the team and the opportunity to be there.


Listen more than you talk

On your first day at work, listen 90% of the time, and talk just 10% of the time. Listening more gives you the ability to get more insight when speaking to someone. It is one of the hardest skills to learn, but it is ideal to do more listening and absorb the information being shared in the first days on your job.


Put your phone away

We can be on our phones 24/7, and the urge is extremely high, but resist the urge to check your phone very often at work. You don’t want to look like you’re distracted or not serious if it is another important call or text excuse yourself and make that call. Otherwise, save your scrolling and chatting for lunchtime or after work.


Be friendly but professional

Be friendly but professional -JOBS

Being friendly is a good attribute to have as a new employee. Interact with coworkers, but keep it professional, and work-related. Although some may be casual conversations it is ideal to keep your private life conversations out of the picture.


Ask meaningful questions

Asking meaningful questions is your gateway to learning new things on the job, don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions. Even after new-hire onboarding and orientation, you’ll likely to still have several questions, as the days go by. Your coworkers, HR, or boss might not be leaving vital information you need, so it is important to ask questions related to your job. This shows your willingness to learn and wanting to know more.


Be helpful

Always extend a helping hand at work, although your work roles are clear, go out of your way to help out on the team. This is a remarkable attribute that can help you, in your career journey, as you extend a helping hand, you are likely to be remembered when a good opportunity pops up at the workplace.

Remember to keep your mind open, get to know your team members, and do your work. These tips should help you excel and create a lasting impression at your new job.

Photo: fizkes/Shutterstock


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