6th Asian Youth Leaders Travel And Learning Camp In Singapore

Students from all over the world are welcome to apply for 6th Asian Youth Leaders Travel And Learning Camp. AYLTLC aims to bring student leaders worldwide, through engaging activities, to enhance their abilities in cross-cultural interaction and cooperation, which will further equip them to be effective leaders. Deadline to apply is January 11.

Participants will be able to networks with peers from all over the world and understand more about Singapore – a multiracial, multilingual and multicultural society from various perspectives. 

Main criteria

  • Students aged 16-26 from schools, colleges and universities around the world;

  • Fluent English;

Students older than 26 years old, teachers, lecurers and professors can to apply for AYLTLC 2017 as advisor.

There are two options to register:

You can register online through the online application system or you can find the application form at the Download page. Please submit your application form to after completing it. Available for both participants and advisors.

 Find out more.

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