Hot Summer Job Offers for Students!

Summer time has a lot more to offer than just a chance to relax. You can travel and improve your finances by getting a summer job. It is a great opportunity to earn some extra cash, to gain experience and travel. We have prepared these five hot summer offers for you.  


If you’re not really a big fan of hot summers and those high temperatures aren’t really your thing, we may have a solution for you. Think about spending your summer earning a nice amount of money in the mountains, by applying for the position of nanny, offered by MeriNannies, a premium childcare agency situated in the Alps. The only condition is that you have some relevant experience in childcare and enjoy spending time with kids; knowledge of Russian or Dutch is a plus. They offer a really good salary (you can earn up to €700 per week, if you decide to work full time). Working hours are flexible, and you can organize your personal time as you wish, just make sure you contact the agency for additional details. Spend your summer doing what you love in a cooler climate, earn some money and add some work history to your CV!

Club 18-30

If you’re a person who enjoys partying and likes to mix business and pleasure, consider applying for some of the open positions at Club 18-30. This holiday company from London specializes in offering travel packages for young people, especially island party destinations. Don’t think it’s an easy job, though. You are the one who is responsible for everything running smoothly, you are expected to be a team player and to be able to work under a lot of pressure. Still, if you enjoy meeting new people and you have great communication skills, this might be a great opportunity for you to visit some of the most amazing destinations you can think of and earn a good amount of money along the way.

Neilson Active Holidays

Are you into the world of fitness and maybe even a professional trainer? If that’s the case, why don’t you try having a paid, active holiday in Greece or Turkey? Neilson Active Holidays is offering positions for instructors of fitness, zumba, aqua aerobics, yoga and pilates. The salary is competitive, and Neilson needs enthusiastic and fun people ASAP. They have a great reputation and almost 40 years of experience, so why not give it a go?

Broadwater farm

Fruit picking. Couldn’t miss putting this one on our list! This time, we’ve chosen the UK, Kent countryside. It is great for meeting new people, since you are expected to live in portacabins, in a hostel-like atmosphere: sharing a room with five people, with communal kitchens provided and separate washrooms and toilets. You are expected to work 8 hours a day, seven days a week, so it can be physically demanding. And also, keep in mind that you earn around £50 per day, but you have to pay around £35 per week for the accommodation (it automatically gets deducted from your paycheck). There is no food included, put you get to share your expenses with the people you share the accomodation with. If you like fresh air and don’t mind getting a tan – this could be a great option for you! Plus, young people from all over the world apply for the job, so it is a great opportunity to make new friends. Make sure you read and study through all the information regarding the application for the job and see if you are eligible. The UK may not be a good option for you if you don’t have an EU passport.

The English Camp Company

Do you have amazing English skills and love teaching? Maybe you’ve always wanted to go to Florence or Rome. Now, you can! The English Camp Company has opened positions for English teachers in Italy. You can arrange your stay between one and three months, depending on your preferences. You could be taking a part in fun, interactive teaching, in the atmosphere of a summer camp. Working with children can be inspiring, and you can also meet new people, expand your social network and travel around. Just a small note: they say in the requirements that native English speakers are needed, but if you have excellent language skills and maybe even certificates to confirm your qualifications – we advise you to apply. If you scroll down and take a look at the testimonies, you can see that a young woman from Poland got accepted as a teacher, and she taught English as a foreign language. This testimony, as well as the others, are extremely positive and show the benefits of taking this kind of journey, so take your time to read them through – maybe you’ll get inspired to apply!

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