4 Artificial Intelligence Tools To Use On Social Media

It is clear, there are so many different social media platforms, it can be difficult for brands to keep up with needed content development, monitoring, and engagement. As a result, marketers must leverage AI to automate their social media strategies. In the past, it was rare for social media to use artificial intelligence (AI), but in today's highly developed digital world, AI is common. Marketers are relying more on market automation, an area of artificial intelligence, to make their businesses better and more effective. Social media platforms made it easier for people to stay in touch with friends and family, but today they serve a much larger audience.

Social media is used by the most innovative companies today for all their PR, marketing, and communication needs, from e-commerce to customer service. However, it is not simple to monitor the ever-changing landscape of social media. Producing content, distributing it at the right moments, engaging an audience, monitoring their actions, managing their ads, analyzing their data, and generating reports are just some of the numerous activities that must be completed. All of these tasks are virtually impossible to finish efficiently by hand.

But with the help of AI solutions, marketers can choose the best social approach for their campaigns, track the behavior of their audiences, measure the success of their efforts, and do much more.


What Exactly Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Demis Hassabis, CEO of DeepMind, defines artificial intelligence as the “science of making machines smart. Machines are educated to act like humans by giving them the ability to see, hear, speak, walk, and think for themselves. All the cutting-edge gadgets and programs you utilize regularly are evidence of your abilities in this area. Voice-activated assistants and up-to-the-minute maps on smartphones are two examples of the benefits of AI in modern life. Popular retailers and streaming services utilize AI to suggest goods and content you might enjoy. Email clients like Gmail employ AI to write chunks of emails without the user having to do any of the work. Machine learning enables some of AI’s most astounding feats to be accomplished. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that helps computers learn from data sets and make predictions about the world. The state-of-the-art AI prediction tools improve with time and usage. The ability of AI to learn and improve without constant human oversight is one of its greatest strengths.


Artificial intelligence-based tools for social media

A social media management tool can help with all areas of your social media presence. A social media solution powered by AI can be utilized alone, or it can be linked with your existing CRM and CMS to simplify your social media management.


  • Cortex

Similar to other social media management systems, Cortex’s dashboard will show your social media calendar and recent posts. When you want to make a new post, Cortex will analyze your history to choose the optimal time to do so. To help you select the best image from a batch you submit, the computer will determine which colors resonate most strongly with the intended audience.


  • Emplifi

Even while Emplifi’s state-of-the-art AI makes it great at all aspects of social media management, its strength is in influencer marketing. In this section, you can research specific opinion leaders to better prepare for a talk with them. You may discover what works and what doesn’t about your influencer marketing approach.


  • Persado

Marketers who use social media realize that they will have better success if they invest in building genuine connections with their target demographic. The internet adds a layer of complexity to the situation. This marketing language tool uses AI and machine learning to create phrases that will appeal to a specific target audience or individual. Based on the responses to previous efforts, it develops profiles for each client subset. After that is complete, it can produce material that will interest your target demographic without watering down your overall brand message while preserving the identity of your distinct brand.


  • Phrasee

Marketers that work in social media should also be familiar with Phrasee, a linguistic tool powered by artificial intelligence. Email opens, clicks and conversions may all be improved with the help of this technology, which optimizes subject lines for maximum brand exposure. Applying what you’ve learned here will increase the engagement and conversion rates of your Facebook and Instagram ads immediately.

Businesses are relying on artificial intelligence (AI) to do everyday operations such as social media marketing, enhancing output, uncovering emerging trends, broadening their customer base, and discovering the most effective marketing strategies for their niche if you want to be successful in social media and keep ahead of the competition, you should start today.

Photo: TarikVision/Shutterstock


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