12th ASEF Journalists’ Seminar

The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) welcomes applications for the 12th ASEF Journalists’ Seminar (ASEFJS12), to be held on 13-14 December 2019 in Madrid, Spain. ASEFJS12 is a side event of the 14th ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting (ASEMFMM14). The 12th ASEF Journalists’ Seminar (ASEFJS12) will focus on media trust and information. The deadline is on 16 September 2019.

Apply for ASEF Journalists’ Seminar

ASEF Journalists’ Seminar: The 2-day training-oriented event will bring together young journalists and media professionals from ASEF Partner countries.

Through expert trainers’ presentations, panel discussions, case studies from participants’ countries and examination of the latest innovative media tools, participants will acquire the necessary skills to create their own initiatives at home.

The seminar will cover challenge of tackling online information disorder, provide the tools & methods used in fact-checking, data accuracy, source verification, and address social media, particularly user-generated content, modified photo & video content, and AI in digital content.

ASEFJS12 is a training-oriented event that offers young journalists from Asia and Europe the chance to come together to share their professional media experiences and perspectives from national and regional levels.

Travels to and from Madrid, accommodation, and meals during the program will be covered by the organisers.

Main criteria

Applicants must:

  • be under 35 years old;
  • be a citizen of an ASEM Partner country;
  • be currently employed as a journalist or media professional (traditional media, online media, freelance are all eligible);
  • have experience and/or projects on the topic of media trust, misinformation and disinformation.

Find out more.

Read more here.

How and When to Apply to a British University

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