Babies are a blessing. When you are expecting, never in your wildest dream do thoughts of delivering twins cross your mind unless there are twins in your or your husband’s […]
Babies are a blessing. When you are expecting, never in your wildest dream do thoughts of delivering twins cross your mind unless there are twins in your or your husband’s family. Then you know the chances are high. When the scan results show that you are carrying twins, you are shocked and happy, then comes the question, how will we manage?
Please don’t fret; many have been there, and although it’s not easy, especially on the mum as you have to breastfeed two babies, don’t even talk about the rate at which diapers finish. But with the proper preparations during and after your pregnancy, you’ll have an easy time.
Attend Childbirth Classes
Make a point of attending childbirth classes. Here you’ll meet other pregnant moms, and you can support each other throughout your pregnancy. Most twin pregnancies deliver early, and this might scare you. Your childbirth classes help you learn how not to let these feelings overwhelm you.
You’ll also learn important things, such as the best foods to eat and post-delivery skills like getting your baby to latch, bottle feeding, the best gear for a twin mum, and how to hold and bathe your baby.
Choose Names
Choosing names for your twins is crucial. If you have twin girls, you may opt for modern or indigenous names for girls. Some cultures name their children depending on their birth time; others give the grandparent the responsibility of naming their grandchild. Irrespective of your chosen method, ensure that the name has a good meaning.
Continue Exercising
If you were going to the gym before your pregnancy, continue exercising, but first, consult with your gynecologist. As some twin mums have high-risk pregnancies, too much action might be harmful.
If you are cleared, don’t engage in heavy exercises, do exercises that help you stay fit. It would help to subscribe to a pregnancy exercise program.
Buy a Stroller
You will need to move around for a walk a few weeks after giving birth and taking your twins out for fresh air and sunlight. Consider getting a double stroller to make your movement easier.
A twin stroller is the best for twin mums, as it’s meant for children of the same age. Ensure the stroller has a basket where you can place a few essentials or comes with a bag.
Talk to the Older Siblings
If you have older siblings, talk to them about the new additions to the family. This will help them understand if they don’t get as much attention as before. They might even assist in looking after your bundles of joy if they are old enough.
Prepare the Nursery
Prepare the place where your twins will sleep. You can opt to share your room with them for the first few months. But, it would be best if they had their nursery. Decorate the nursery and invest in cribs, a rocking chair, and changing stations.
The chair will be heavenly on those nights your kids are fuzzy, as you can recline as you rock them to sleep and maybe, in the process, rock yourself.
Bending in the first few weeks or months after giving birth is not recommended for new moms as it can lead to back problems. New moms are encouraged to buy a changing station as it prevents them from bending over when changing diapers.
Buy Clothes
This goes without saying; you must buy clothes for your twins. Some people say twins can’t share clothes, but that’s a myth. It would be nice to have your babies in matching clothes, especially if they are both boys or girls.
You only have now to play dress-up because when they grow up, they might be repulsed by the idea of wearing matching clothes.
Hire a Nanny
Taking care of twins is no joke, from feeding, washing clothes, changing diapers, putting them to sleep, and taking care of your other kids and family. This is impossible and would have you fainting in a few minutes, if not hours.
Twin mums are advised to hire a nanny, best if it’s live-in. They can do it before giving birth to train them on how they like things done, help them adjust to the new environment, and see how they get along with the other kids.
Still, it would be best if you acknowledged that it would be too much work for a single nanny. Therefore, if your family can assist here and there while the kids are small, it would be of great help as hiring two nannies would be too expensive.
Stock on Diapers
You can imagine that one baby goes through like three to five diapers a day. Now you have two, so estimate ten diapers per day. Stock up on your diapers; you can have a cupboard or dresser dedicated to strictly storing diapers because you don’t want to run out of diapers at night.
Shop for diapers before your babies arrive. At first, it would be best to use organic diapers as kids have sensitive skin. After you identify the best brand for their skin, stock up on it and make sure to buy different sizes as kids grow up very fast.
Ask for Advice from other Twin Mums
You are not the first person to give birth to twins. Getting support and advice from other twin mums will help you feel better about the new phase in your life.
Parenting techniques are changing, and new and better devices to assist parents are cropping up, but having someone share their experience is of great help. It also helps form a basis of what to expect and how to handle issues as they arise.
So join mom groups before and after your pregnancy. Having a network of parents to share ideas and experiences is a great way to ease parenting pressure.
Final Thoughts
Giving birth and taking care of twins is not a walk in the park. You need all the help you can get, and having a supportive partner is a plus. Use these ten tips to prepare for your upcoming bundles of joy.
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