Simple And Feasible Habits That Can Help You Be More Successful

We all have those moments when we go through our lives, evaluate ourselves and end up not feeling satisfied. We wonder how some people manage to maintain successful careers while enjoying every day of their lives, and it all seems mysterious. But the truth is, success and happiness are not limited to your university degree, the size of your bank account, or your mental capacity. There are certain traits and small details that can help you get ahead and make a big difference in your life. Here are 10 simple and feasible habits that can help you be more successful, both in your personal and professional life.

Eat well

It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you want to achieve great results. That starts by following a balanced diet that provides you with the essential nutrients. Do not forget to stay hydrated by drinking enough water every day. Avoid eating fast food and do not forget the fruits and the vegetables next time you go grocery shopping.

Sleep well

Sleep is essential for your health and wellbeing. It plays an important role in repairing your heart and blood vessels, improving your memory and enhancing your productivity and creativity. Try to develop a regular bedtime schedule in order to avoid anxiety and insomnia. Try to Minimize noise, light and excessive heat or cold where you sleep. Maintain an average of 8 hours of sleep every night.


As simple as it might sound, reading a few pages every day contributes to your personal and professional success. Many experts say that reading reduces stress and feelings of pressure and anxiety. It also improves your memory and your analytical thinking skills, which might be very important in your work. Do not forget that everything you read gives you new knowledge, new perspectives and a wider world of possibilities.

Avoid talking about others

Gossip complicates our lives rather than simplifies. Even when it feels good to gossip, remember that what you’re saying about others might not be true. Talking about other people’s faults might make you overlook your own, even when you’re talking about your competitors, or those you don’t get along with. Gossip also damages relationships and destroys trust. If you would like to join a conversation, try to engage in a meaningful one. Stay positive in your speech and avoid engaging in a negative one.

Avoid anger

Negative feelings like anger tend to put us into survival mode, and that’s when you feel everything is out of control. Sometimes prolonged anger can affect your adrenal glands and your immune system. Every Time you are overtaken by anger and furiousness, sit in a quiet place, take a few deep breaths and take a moment to free your mind. Stay in a place where there is sunlight and try to meditate for a while. When you feel angry, try to remember to be grateful for the smallest things in your life and laugh as much as you can!

Spend time with family

Dr. Michael Woodward, an organizational psychologist and the author of “The You Plan” says that making some time to chat with your family members, talking to your kids or even playing with your pet are very important habits with a lot of benefits. As humans, we need to interact with each other and listen to each other’s stories. Spending time with family also helps us build happy memories and make us feel safe and strong.

Surround yourself with positivity!

As you feel overtaken by tiredness, failure or any other depressing emotions, it is important to take some time to reflect on the positive moments of the day, regardless of how bad the day was, and celebrate the tiniest success. Try to always give thanks and to not take anything for granted. Do not focus on “having it all”, but rather on “appreciating it all”. Always remember that you can never run out of options and possibilities.

Do your job to the best of your ability

This does not mean excelling at everything and being the best at what you do. Try to learn how to perform your job well and track your progress. Act professionally and express a positive attitude at the workplace. Take initiative and exchange feedback. Do not take criticism personally, it might help you perceive the weaknesses that you don’t see.


For some people it might sound like a waste of time and effort, but volunteering actually helps you develop technical, social, and academic skills that you might not be able to learn at school. It also allows you to create connections with people from all sorts of fields and gives you a valuable sense of accomplishment that can boost your self-esteem. When you help others and expect nothing in return, you also increase your sense of modesty and gain respect.

Just quit the bad habits

Try to quit smoking and excessive drinking, even if it might be a long and slow process. Watch less TV, try to spend less time using your smartphone or tablet and read a book instead. Try to avoid alcohol and heavy meals before going to bed. Avoid all kinds of negative thoughts, feelings of jealousy, guilt, hatred and overthinking. Just try to take better care of yourself in every way possible.

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