Youth Time Good News Stories: Monday 20th September

Youth Time Good News is back with heartwarming stories about a young firefighter and a reusable energy source in Malawi.

So many great things happen every day, but they don’t always make the news. Sharing positivity may improve the day for someone who needs it most!

Charles de Lint said, “Every time you do a good deed, you shine the light a little farther into the dark.” Here are stories of people doing good deeds worldwide.


Colrerd Nkosi: Free Light for an Entire Village

Colrerd Nkosi wanted to bring electricity to his Malawi village, and he knew that he could do so using a valuable natural resource – a fast-moving river! 

He collected what others considered junk, such as a broken bicycle and an old refrigerator compressor, and he managed to bring power to six homes. But he didn’t stop there! 

The self-taught inventor continued to work until he found a way to use a repurposed corn-shelling machine motor to create even more power. 

Only 11% of Malawi has access to electricity, so even though Colrerd has already done more than his fair share and won an award from the Queen of England, he’s still not done. 

He is working on a turbine that he predicts can power up to 1,000 homes! His ingenious ways to create renewable energy from low-cost materials are helping his entire community, including schools, enjoy a better quality of life.


Alexander Karp: Financing One Man’s Dream

Alexander Karp made a huge difference in just one person’s life, but the story inspired good deeds all around. Alexander, a billionaire, gave $180,000 to a man who had been wronged and lost everything.

The unfortunate man in this story is David Lidstone, better known as River Dave. At 81, he lived a happy life off-the-grid for almost three-decade until his dreams were crushed due to zoning regulations.

After losing his home, River Dave could not build a new home for him and his animals. His story went viral, and a GoFundMe was set up on his behalf. 

Then came Alexander Karp and handed him enough money to build a new home and for future expenses. His generosity is inspiring and has others wondering how they can help someone in need!


Kimberly Wybenga: Uplifting Friends and Neighbours Anonymously

Kimberly Wybenga knew that many people were having a tough time lately. In the hopes of brightening her friend’s days, she bought jars and began writing anonymous notes with compliments.

Although it started as a selfless act, Kimberly realised that complimenting her friends made her feel amazing too.

She was only planning on doing a handful, but she ended up writing 1,750 compliments!

She went through a lot to try to stay anonymous, including dressing in disguise to hand-deliver her jars of compliments if she knew her friends had front door cameras.

Eventually, her friends figured out who it was. 

Apparently, Kimberly wasn’t keen on having her story published, but when she thought about how many people’s days could be brightened by it, she caved, and here we are! 


Lily Swanson: A 14-Year-Old Honorary Firefighter

Lily Swanson loves Disney+, particularly the show 9-1-1 that’s all about emergency services. She was walking her rottweiler in her hometown of Leyland, Lancashire, when she noticed a burning smell. 

As soon as she saw the smoke, she sprang into action, running to wake her dad and call 999. Her father grabbed a ladder and ran to help people who were trying to escape out the windows.

Knowing the law of the land, Lily quickly suggested a better way to get the people out. Luckily, the fire brigade got there just as the duo began their rescue mission and got everyone out safely. 

Although she hadn’t single-handedly pulled anyone out of a burning building, it was Lily’s quick actions and great sense of smell that saved the day!

There are so many ways that we can help others! We can brighten someone’s day with an unexpected compliment or a financial contribution. 

You can do good by coming up with a creative solution to a persisting problem or just being alert and knowing what to do in case of an emergency. 

Do your part and share this article to inspire others to do good, no matter how big or small the deed is.

More good news! We have extended our deadline for the Idea Grant Competition:

Youth Time International Launches 2021 Idea Grant Competition

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