Remote Communications Fellowships With The Alliance Of Digital Humanities Organisations

Graduate students, young scholars, and academic professionals are invited to apply for a remote communications fellowship. The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations will provide a stipend of €500. Candidates can start any time starting in May 2021. The deadline is on Thursday 15th April 2021.

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO) promotes and supports digital research and teaching across all arts and humanities disciplines, acting as a community-based advisory force, and supporting excellence in research, publication, collaboration and training.

Each year, communications fellows work with ADHO’s communications officer to manage ADHO’s public communications activities.

This year, fellows will develop a new multilingual website for ADHO and will follow and disseminate conference information.

The team will communicate via email, online chat, video calls, and other effective means. Communications fellows must provide access to a computer and internet connection.

The deadline is on Thursday 15th April 2021.


Main Criteria

Essential skills and qualifications include excellent written communication skills in English and some knowledge of digital humanities communities and current discourses.

To apply, submit a CV, a brief writing sample, the names of two references, and a cover letter describing your interest in and qualifications for the position.

Find out more now.

Hungary for more opportunities? How about this one?

Erasmus Volunteering in Bag, Hungary

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