How to Turn Internships into a Job

Struggling to get into your dream career? A way in can be through internships - here are the best tips to land that dream job.

Internships can be paid or unpaid opportunities to get some work experience and better your career opportunities. 

Generally, internships are offered to university students, although it is also possible to do them later in life. 

According to Compare Camp, 70% of companies offer interns a full-time job! Here are some tips on turning your internship into a job.


Impressions Matter

An internship is an excellent chance for you to show yourself in your best light. 

It doesn’t matter if you start off bringing coffees and doing menial administrative tasks. 

Even paid entry-level employees will sometimes have similar tasks until they gain experience. 

It is essential always to do everything you can to stand out and impress your supervisors. 

After all, it is pretty likely that they could hire you or give you a life-changing recommendation in the future!


Do Not Underestimate Networking

Another great thing about internships is that they are a great way to get your foot in the door. 

Even if you don’t end up working at that same company, you will likely meet many professionals in your career field of interest. 

Always jump on the opportunity to exchange business cards, add contacts on LinkedIn, and stay in touch with them. 

You never know where they may end up or who they might introduce you to. I have gotten the best jobs through personal connections.


Ask Questions

Many people are shy to ask questions, but it is so important to be vocal. 

Obviously, it’s okay to ask questions to clarify your responsibilities, as long as you phrase them well and think them through. 

If you are asked to organise papers, it is perfectly acceptable to ask how you should do it based on how they’ll be used. 

Success Story: Studies show internships are a great way to get the job you are yearning for

Asking a well throughout question that shows you thinking outside the box can help you make a good impression.

In addition to asking questions about your assigned tasks, you can also ask what else you can help with. 

Share your strengths with your supervisors and colleagues to see how else you can contribute. 

Of course, towards the end of your internship, you should also outright ask about job opportunities. 

Companies like the initiative and will never fault you for inquiring.


Show Enthusiasm for All Tasks

So many of the things that you do as an intern aren’t that exciting. 

Mustering up some enthusiasm will go a long way in your career. 

In any job, there will be mundane tasks that no one enjoys.

Being the way you tackle these less attractive activities will say a lot about your character to a potential employer.


Develop Professional Goals

An internship may be your first experience in a workplace. That makes it a unique opportunity for developing some professional goals. 

Do not be afraid to discuss those with your employer and see how you can work on them to benefit the company. 

Internships, especially if unpaid, may offer more flexibility than an entry-level job, so take full advantage of every moment. 

You never know when you’ll have another chance to be able to try specific tasks hands-on.

There are many things that you should do at an internship that is self-explanatory. 

Complete tasks on time, follow the guidelines, develop a good rapport with your colleagues, and do your best. 

However, you should also make a great impression, show enthusiasm no matter what you are assigned, develop professional goals, network, and ask questions. 

All these steps can help you turn internships into a full-time job!


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