How can you use Youtube Shorts to promote your channel?

Multifunctional video hosting has earned the recognition of millions of people around the world. This is a service for viewing, publishing and promoting video content of absolutely different topics. On […]

Multifunctional video hosting has earned the recognition of millions of people around the world. This is a service for viewing, publishing and promoting video content of absolutely different topics. On this site  you can find everything you are interested in: reviews, gameplay, recipes, news, short films and even TV series. Many users prefer hosting instead of television.

There are no analogues in terms of audience coverage and site traffic at the moment. With the growing number of active users, more bloggers began to appear on the platform. Video makers prefer this hosting because YouTube is constantly developing, and the number of the active users  is growing before our eyes.

In recent years, developers have introduced many new features and services, such as YouTube Music, Kids  and Shorts. The latter has gained the greatest popularity among teenagers and people under 35 years of age. Thanks to Tiktok, such a phenomenon as a video up to 1 minute appeared. And if earlier developers were sure that viral videos can only be those that have a long duration, now the situation is completely different. Statistics show that about 90 percent of people choose content up to 60 seconds, and this is not surprising, because everything in the world tends to simplify.

Short videos have conquered the Internet, many of them have become very popular. And if you think that the most enticing content is entertainment, you are mistaken. Useful and interesting short videos often go viral on the global network. Life hacks, education, news and information podcasts are especially popular on YouTube and this is fundamentally different from Tiktok.

Why do you need to shoot such content?

  1. Since the function was introduced not so long ago, not all influencers had time to try it out. As you know, the less competition, the more chances to find new viewers faster. Even if you have only a few videos on your channel and a small number of subs , this does not mean that it makes no sense for you to shoot short videos. The number of the audience is important for promotion to the “top”, but you can always quickly add a more presentable look to your page if you buy youtube subscribers. The main thing is to think over the scenario and the concept. The more users watch your content to the end, the more often the site’s algorithms will offer videos for viewing.
  2. If you sell goods or services, unobtrusively show it in the frame. Viewers may be interested in the products you show. For example, if you have your own production or jewelry store, wear the best-selling and interesting product. Often makers are asked where they can buy such a thing and are asked to share contacts. This way you can increase the number of potential buyers and increase sales.
  3. Link placement. In the description, you can add text or a link. It can be anything – a transfer to your other social networks, to the page of the author’s training course or your store or partner material. The description catches the eye of the audience, so be sure to think over the text before publishing. It’s important that it’s not flashy and does not create the feeling of a commercial. Place the text concisely, the link should look organic with your content.

Some ideas for short videos :

– Reviews. Take a review of your favorite products. Viewers love formats such as unpacking and unboxing. If you present the information in a fascinating way, users will watch the video to the end and this will have a great effect on the promotion of content.

– A short film. Have you wanted to try yourself as a director for a long time? This moment has come! Think over the plot, images of heroes, locations. Make followers  wait for your masterpieces, come up with a “highlight”, create intrigue. Everything is like in real movies.

-Humorous sketches. Each of us loves high-quality content that you can laugh at. If you have a real master of words and a comedian, this is a great chance to show your talents to the whole world. Follow the news to understand which jokes are relevant at this time, because the content that is as close to real life as possible gets a great response.

If you are actively gaining an audience and developing your page, be sure to experiment with video formats. Show creativity and talents when creating videos, use your charisma, learn new features and use existing ones competently. Who knows, maybe very soon you will become a popular creator in YouTube Shorts?

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