5 tips for the student who needs help writing an essay

You are one of the 5% lucky enough to have found this post we wrote for you to help you with your essay problems. And yes, this is just not another post about improving your essay writing. This is the solution you so desperately need. Essay writing can be a hassle, but with the tips in this post, you are well on your way to essay writing dominance.


Not so many people love essay writing. The only people that we have seen with a genuine passion for essay writing are the folks at Easy Essay. Now, those guys live and breathe essay writing, but they didn’t get there magically. They started like you right now, looking for how to improve their essay writing skills. Only that while they struggled to get good content to help them, you are getting yours much more effortless.

As much as you fear essay writing, you can’t truly avoid it. It is something you will need all your life. Even if you get a job, you will need essay writing as you would be required to write reports. Writing essays can be tasking, and it requires maximum effort and time. As students, you have other activities to attend to, so writing essays may not be your cup of tea, and this is why you need essay writing services.

These services could provide you with the foundation you need to be a master of essay writing. However, apart from using these services to improve your writing subconsciously, we have five other tips that would be useful for you.



Understand the Topic

Your teacher could ask you to choose your essay topic yourself or decide to assign you one. Whichever the case, your responsibility remains the same. You have to understand the question as it is central to the progress you will make in your essay.

Assuming the situation is that your teacher assigned you an essay topic, you have to analyze said topic to understand it. You have to break down the question by identifying the question’s concepts. When you identify concepts, you can now probe at the core thing the essay asks of you.

If the case is that you have to get a topic for yourself, then your approach will be slightly different from the above. You have to research topics and think about those topics to choose the one you prefer. When choosing the topic you like, it helps that the topic has resources you can use. A topic will fewer resources can frustrate you and make you lose your will to write.


Plan Your Essay

It would help if you had a preliminary outline. You can form your preliminary outline by drawing out a structure based on your initial research on the topic. Your research will inform you of the areas worth discussing in your essay. This outline you have formed from your research will help you plan the direction of your essay.

Your outline doesn’t have to be rigid. The beauty of a design is its flexibility. As you research, you will discover new information and may need to update your outline. Your outline helps you play it safe and keeps you from writing your essay wildly. By putting your ideas down, you will be able to save time when writing.

Also, when forming your outline, you should keep your thesis statement or essay argument in mind. Why do you need to keep your thesis statement in mind? Read on.


Prepare your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is your point of view on your essay question. Everything you want to write in an essay flows from your thesis statement. It is the statement that comes in your introduction that you then use your whole paper to develop.

Your thesis statement will make or break your essay. Subconsciously, your thesis statement drives your outline. How? When you research, the line of argument you want to follow begins to form in your mind.

It is that argument that informs your outline. So, your thesis statement is a crucial part of your essay. When you combine it with your outline, it gives you a vision of your writing.


Organize Your Essay

Usually, Essays contain 3 parts. They are

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

Your outline has to reflect these 3 parts.

The introduction gives your reader an idea of what to expect in your essay. Typically it contains the necessary background for your thesis statement. Also, the introduction includes your thesis statement itself and how you intend to build around said statement. Usually, it’s best to write the introduction last.

The body part of your article contains the expansion of your argument. It is the main content of your essay, which you support with evidence. Break your body down into paragraphs to allow the reader to understand.

Your conclusion summarizes your essay, and it should contain new information.


Proof Read

Please don’t submit your essay proofreading. After finishing your essay, take a break and come back to proofread. This way, your mind will be able to spot errors better. Also, you can ask a colleague to proofread for you.



Essay writing can be annoying, but it is a great skill. Follow our tips and watch as your essay writing skills transform.


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