Young People Have Always Been at the Centre of the Protests in Greece

Recent months have been marked by the collapse of the Greek economy and all the debates about what should be the next step. An exhausting session of negotiations that started Monday afternoon (10th of August) has finally finished  24 hours later. The assumption is that the agreed pact is worth up to 86 billion Euros. Greek officials expect that the agreement will be ratified by parliament on Wednesday or Thursday and then be vetted by euro zone finance ministers by the end of the working week. We spoke with Stavros Malichudis, a 23 year-old journalist who was born in Athens and has lived most of his life there. Malichudis was willing to share his thoughts on the current situation and give us a chance to hear the voice of youth, the voice that seemed muted or at least not heard often enough in the run-up to the referendum.