What Do Your Dreams Really Mean?

Dreams, big or small, are some of the most mysterious things still left to be fully understood in our world. But, what do they really mean?

Humans have been fascinated with dreams for as long as we have been alive. 

Researchers have studied dreams and how they’ve changed under authoritarian governments, the pandemic, and what they mean in general. 

To this day, we don’t know for sure what they mean. However, we have some fascinating theories.


What Are Dreams?

Dreams are the thoughts, sensations, images, and sometimes sounds that occur during our sleep. 

Although, it is essential to point out that everyone dreams a little differently. Some people report dreaming exclusively in black-and-white, and others only experience silent dreams. 

Many people don’t even remember ever dreaming. 

According to science, most people have between four and six dreams that last between five and 20 minutes every night. When we can control the dream, this is called a lucid dreaming

During these dreams, parts of the brain that are typically inactive during sleep show increased activity. 


What Do Dreams Mean?

There are many different theories about dreams. Some people believe that dreams can help predict the future. Others believe that dreams hold the secrets of the past. 

Most research has been on the physiological function of dreams. 

Other studies explore the psychological aspects, such as linking PTSD to having nightmares. 

These psychological studies have shown that dreaming is highly emotional, and it is our amygdala, the emotional centre of the brain, that is most active during dreams. 


Dreaming Around the World

Different cultures have had their own theories about the meanings and importance of dreams. 

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, people have tried to attribute dreams to real-world phenomena.

Aristotle actually wrote about dreams as rarely as 325 BC, and both ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians considered dreams to be significant. 

In fact, the first-ever dream dictionary is over 3,000 years old and was found in ancient Egypt. 

They also had interpreters who would tell the future based on people’s dreams.

It wasn’t just the ancient societies that were curious about dreams. Sigmund Freud, one of the most famous psychologists, wrote several books on dreams. 

He is recognised as the first person to assign definitive meanings to dreams. 


Most Common Meanings

There are so many common dreams that most people who remember their dreams have experienced. 

Obviously, these are just theories, and there is no actual scientific evidence to prove any of this.

Falling is a common theme in dreams, and it is generally seen as a sign that something in your life isn’t going well. It is also a common indication of fear. 

If you fear a career change or anything else in your waking hours, you may experience more falls in your dreams.

After falling, a common dream is being naked in public. This often indicates feeling like a phoney, or even experiencing imposter syndrome. 

Similarly, chase dreaming may indicate avoidance or a desire to escape.

Death and infidelity are also frequent. Death dreams reflect a fear of the unknown or general anxiety. 

On the other hand, infidelity dreams may indicate a lack of trust, loyalty, and communication in a relationship.

On a more positive note, flying dreams can represent feelings of freedom and independence. 

Although flying can be exciting, it can also be terrifying. Some believe that dreams of flight represent a desire to flee or escape from the realities of life.


Sweet Dreams

Dreaming is a fantastic experience that takes us into a different world where anything is possible. 

It is no wonder that people, as a society, have been interested in their meanings. 

Some people believe that dreams can predict the future or reflect the past. 

Others believe that it is based on our fears and emotions. Consider keeping a journal to record and study your dreams. 

Photo: Shutterstock

Dreaming of a holiday? Here’s something to get the wanderlust going.

Zanzibar: In the Carefree Paradise of Laughter, Joy and Spices

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