University Cities – Frankfurt, Germany

With the widely feared and expectedly unpleasant consequences of Brexit, Frankfurt which is the financial centre of Europe is gaining in importance. Brexit has not only motivated many of the […]

With the widely feared and expectedly unpleasant consequences of Brexit, Frankfurt which is the financial centre of Europe is gaining in importance. Brexit has not only motivated many of the finance companies to move to Frankfurt, students have also identified Germany as one of the major hubs of higher education, justifiably.

As previously mentioned, the country attracts students from many parts of the world, mainly on account of undergraduate studies being almost free, the quality of education being excellent, most of the cities being cosmopolitan and full of vitality and a fairly pragmatic approach of the German government which allows students to work a good number of hours each week/year. Last but not the least, is the advantage for those wanting to stay back in Germany and work after they have completed their studies.

To keep informed, our readers,  who may have missed the previous articles on Munich and Berlin the cost towards fees comes to just 300 $ per semester for those enrolling into undergraduate programs and  can go as high as 20,000 to 30,000 $ per year for the ones wanting to pursue a masters degree. We cover public universities. The fees at the private ones can be substantially higher.

Given the backdrop that Frankfurt is named an alpha city which defines it as a city that is one of the most important nerve centers of the global economic network with links binding it to other cities having a direct and tangible effect on the global socio economic affairs and Frankfurt also being a cultural centre and a financial centre, the city boasts of having some of the finest universities.

With a population in the vicinity of three quarters of a million, one is able to feel the verve due to its cosmopolitan atmosphere which comprises of about twenty five percent foreigners.

Here’s a list of the public universities and as usual, we would recommend visiting each one’s website to make the choice of your favoured discipline from the vast host of courses that are offered :

Goethe Universitat
Official website

Frankfurt University of applied sciences
Official website

The Stadelschule, Staatliche Hochschulle fur Bildende Kunste
Official website

This is an exclusive institute of arts and architecture and accepts an extremely limited number of students each year.

Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
Official website

Cost of living
Although the index says 919 $ per month exclusive of accommodation, in the opinion of the writer a student can live fairly well on 1100 $ inclusive of shared accommodation.

Author: Martina Advaney
Photo: Shutterstock

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