Tricks to Writing a Top Notch Cover Letter

We’ve all pretty much been there. You’re looking at the perfect job position for you, but you’re stuck when it comes down to the cover letter. What to write and what to leave out of it? How to impress your recruiter? Here are a few tips.

Considering that the job market is evolving so fast, the ability to impress your employer has become quite limited. 

There are so many potential candidates, continuous learners that are looking for the best possibilities and they’re all going after the big shot. 

But as good as they can all be, at some point of their lives, they have been required to write a cover letter. 

And to get to the point where the recruiter reads your words and says ‘this guy/girl right here’ has become quite challenging.

What matters most to an employer and what do they want to see reflected in your cover letter? What makes you the candidate that they will want to meet in person, and what makes you stand above other applicants? 

Can be very exhausting to think about this process, but there are some writing tips that can help us write our best motivational or cover letter.


Combine Narratives

I personally am not a fan of cover letter templates that will simply be a cliché in front of recruiters that see so many similar job seekers. 

Instead, I think we should all follow our own gut and write about things that make us unique, that make us an asset to the organisation and line up our own sentences wherever we want to. 

Writing a cover letter using a template will only let recruiters know that you’re not creative and that you’re rather lazy. I’m sure you don’t want that!



There’s nothing more professional and persuasive than using your research to sound appealing to the organisation or company you want to join. 

And heaven knows, researching has become so easy nowadays, that you can even find clues on your potential boss’ favourite author (say, if so it happens that you start up a conversation and favourite books come up). 

It is always a plus to let employers know you did your homework and that you are aware of the company/organisation’s reputation.


Sound Inspiring and Intriguing

Throughout the whole cover letter, it is highly crucial that you be very careful when it comes down to choosing the words you use. 

Do not use verbs of doubt and insecurity, when you could use inspiring sentences like: I’d be thrilled to receive positive feedback towards this application, or ‘I’m looking forward to our encounter, to unfold more of the values I can add to the company’. 

Surely, they’ll want to get to know you more than through written words.


Be Self-Confident

Saying that ‘you can add values to the company’ is so much more than just an optimistic and self-inspiring statement. 

It lets your employer know that first of all, you know yourself well enough, and you care about yourself well enough to understand the values that you have, and how you can use them to benefit in the workplace. 

Self-confidence is always emphasised as a game changer in interviews, but don’t worry, if you don’t have it yet you can always improve in this aspect.


Being Brief

I know it sounds contradictory, adding sentences that talk about your values and wanting to ensure there is going to be an interview – all by writing brief sentences. However, the opposite has proven to lose recruiter’s interest. 

They just don’t want to read two or three pages long of self-descriptive sentences. 

Try to wrap up the most important things about your professionalism, passion and values, and leave all the details for an interview.


Sparkling Their Curiosity

Employers love someone who is able to mention a few great qualities, yet, has the ability to remain very private and respectful. 

Try to use this approach in your cover letter, and do not hesitate on throwing some clues over the confidence that you have and on the values you would be able to add to the company or organisation. 

Careful not to be too cocky, but a little self-sufficiency never hurt anybody! 

This sparks interest in the employer and makes them want to meet you in person to discuss more about your skills.

Volunteering can look great on a cover letter, here’s how you can do your bit this summer:

Five Ways to Volunteer this Summer

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