Youth Time International Movement invites you to join the dance challenge and win valuable prizes. Send a 1-minute video of your creative dance and enter the competition to attend The International Summer School in Reykjavik for free plus get 100 Euros for your travel expenses. Intrigued? Learn more and hurry up, the deadline is May 15th.
Be creative, be free, be yourself! But also hurry up, the deadline is May 15th! Countdown is starting 1,2,3. . .NOW! Dance with Youth Time to catch your opportunity! Please note that only people between 18 and 35 years of age can take part in this dance challenge competition.
All you need to do is
1. Make 1-minute dance video
2. To tag us on the social media: Youth Time International Movement
3. To use our hashtags: #ytsummer and #ytsummerchallenge
4. To put the link in the description of application call
And to have a lot of fun! The sender of the most original video will attend the International Summer School in Reykjavik for free plus get 100 Euros for the travel expenses.
Check out the examples from the team of Youth Time International Movement:
About the Summer School
This Summer School is organized in partnership with the University of Iceland and City of Reykjavik. It will gather together nearly 90 young attendees, experts and trainers from all over the world with the aim of discussing ideas and solutions to some of the most prevalent
youth issues.
The participants will learn and analyze the most influential trends in the development of the different areas in global society and what the outline of skills, education and training for sustainable future global development will be.
The program will consist of a full, four-day educational program. Two days will be reserved for theoretical sessions, one day for cultural exchange and one day for study visits to local innovative enterprises. There will also be various informal networking activities.
Youth Time encourages to apply young people from around the world, aged 18-35, and who are particularly interested in Future Skills, workplace sustainability and participation of the international youth community.
Find out more about the Summer School and how to apply here.
For any enquiries, please contact
To follow the updates use #YTSummer
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