The Best Way To Deal with Winter – Masters Of Hibernation

Doesn't winter weather call for sleeping through it? Some got the message and set up their biorhythms the right way, and some didn´t. Today you can get inspired by the lucky ones – the species that go into the state of hibernation.

Two bats hibernating

European Hedgehog (Erinaceous Europaeus) preparing for hibernation

Turtles hibernate as well

Not quite yet – Brown bear (Ursus arctos) awaiting spring

Knock, knock. Can I stay over winter? – Common toad choosing its spot for hibernation

Just out of hibernation – Adder snake (Vipera berus)

In the Hornet family (Vespa crabro) only the new queen hibernates

Some snails hibernate – To stay moist they seal the opening of their shells with an epiphragm

One doesn´t have to go far for an example – surely you must have seen a similar picture at your home more often during winter / Photo: Martina Advaney

Photos: Shutterstock, Martina Advaney

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