Talent Drain at Scottish Universities

In this week’s news roundup we speak about education loans in Malaysia, talent drain at Scottish universities and student-funding issues in Namibia.

Survey shows that Malaysians need study loans

Free Malaysia Today reports that many people would be unhappy if there were no study loans available under the national Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN). A survey conducted by the UCSI Poll Research Centre polled 700 people coming from different income groups and educational backgrounds. It was found that 51.6% of loan borrowers are more than likely to pay back their education loans and that Malaysians would be unhappy if there were no available education loans under the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN).

Talent drain at Scottish universities

Professor Anton Muscatelli, a member of the national activist group that is campaigning for a second referendum on the Brexit deal, said for Our Future Our Choice (OFOC) Scotland that a no-deal Brexit could cause a talent drain in Scotland’s universities. He said that a no-deal “would cause such a dislocation and such uncertainty that that flow of talent would come to a halt.”

With both Conservative leadership candidates arguing that they would be prepared to leave with No-Deal but saying little about the implications, we want to publicise just how dangerous it would be to cut ties with Europe for Scotland’s biggest employers,” said Harry McNeill, director of OFOC Scotland, reports the National.

Student-funding issues in Namibia

New Era Live reports that Namibian Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation is trying to find the solution for the issues of student funding. Namely, Student Financial Assistance Fund (Nsfaf) is unable to provide study loans for all qualified students. Out of 24,739 applicants, Nsfaf is only able to fund 2,925 of students and more than 15,000 applicants will be left without funding. This means that many students were unable to register for the second semester. Nsfaf also reports that the budget allocated to the fund falls short of N$641 million.

Photo: Shutterstock / Design: Martina Advaney

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