Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever doubted your abilities when applying for a dream job? Or perhaps you find yourself in a situation where you feel unprepared to handle it? Let's call it what it is — imposter syndrome. Because no one is publicly admitting their misgivings, we all have inner doubts about ourselves and believe that everyone else is faultless.

Growing up, we had preconceived notions about who we were and how the world worked, and we believed that important choices we made when we were younger could have improved our feelings. We thought some of our friends had more privileges than us, whether it was the expensive automobile that dropped them off at school, the sneakers they wore, the activities they could attend, or other benefits we weren’t able to make use of.

These encounters accompany us on our path throughout life, serving as a motivator to improve and do more. We put a lot of effort into achieving our objectives and moving forward in all spheres—academically, professionally, financially, etc.—but we are always willing to turn down better opportunities for others on the grounds that they have a better chance than we do, and occasionally we feel threatened to accomplish more.

Have you ever wondered if everyone you believe to be more competent than you is equally prioritizing your abilities above theirs? Around 70 percent of people in the U.S. have had feelings of imposter syndrome at some point in their lives, according to a survey conducted in the middle of the 1980s by Pauline Rose Clance and psychology professor Gail Matthews.

Psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes initially named the condition Imposter Phenomenon in 1978. The results from the 1980s disproved their assumption that only women experience this type of anxiety.


Imposter Syndrome’s Effects

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Unchecked self-doubt can lead to people settling for mediocrity, experiencing anxiety, depression, and addiction, as well as leading average lives. I feel the same way as I’m writing this piece—who am I to talk about this subject when I’m equally flawed? 

I learned from my investigation that there are no surefire solutions to this. According to Cleveland Clinic, it is a pattern of thinking that can lead to missed opportunities, self-doubt, and negative self-talk rather than a medical disease or diagnosis. This is entirely related to our feeling of insecurity. Despite the power they may have, we fail to recognize how flawed others are. We admire and aspire to these roles in the belief that doing so will provide us an advantage or a sense of fulfillment.

I can think back on numerous occasions in my life’s journey thus far where I nearly gave up on myself and made an excuse not to take on a significant challenge. I was unsure about my abilities as I applied for the position of a writer with Youth Time Magazine. There was a strong urge to continue writing in my books rather than share them with the world and on this platform. I spent the entire day going through the website’s articles after sending my initial email, wondering if readers would enjoy reading my articles or if I had a chance to write as well as these authors. I was prepared to get the email with the subject ‘Application refused’ because it seemed so far away, but the fact that you are reading this means that I was successful.


How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

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muse studio/Shutterstock

In my opinion, we experience the cycle of imposter syndrome at each significant turning point in our lives, but we are always in charge of it. Learning to celebrate my accomplishments has proven to be a useful strategy for me. We are unable to rejoice in the victory because we do not feel deserving. Celebrating each milestone reduces feelings of worthlessness and increases appreciation for your development.

Positive comments from those around me about everything I do are another thing that stays with me. This has completely eliminated my imposter syndrome for me. We tend to believe what we hear about ourselves from others more than what we tell ourselves, according to the proverb: “we know others from the outside and we know ourselves from the inside.”

We may all play that part in the lives of others by sincerely admiring them and complimenting them as they advance in life. Congratulations, I’m pleased for you, keep up the good work, and thank you for the knowledge — all these could help someone overcome imposter syndrome.

Finally, talk to a therapist; I haven’t done that since I’ve mastered the other ways mentioned above for conquering mine. Imposter syndrome is variable so explore various ways of overcoming it.

Own your abilities and talents, and while you develop, accept your imperfections.



Photo: eamesBot/Shutterstock


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