Linguistics Internship at VocApp in Poland

Students studying in European universities with particular interest in technology and languages are invited for an internship at a largest flashcard software company working on providing services for foreign language learners.

VocApp is a service that is designed for students and Language Arts teachers. It creates audio, textual and/or visual flashcards that, though meant for foreign language learners, is a particularly effective, efficient, and easy tool for the review of content in all fields of study. The tool lends itself to visual learning through pictures, aural learners through speech, and textual learners through, you guessed it, text. The auto-translate feature allows a teacher to enter text in one language and have it translated to another.

This internship is a work experience in the largest flashcard software company in Poland. Interns will stay in Warsaw, one of the most vibrant and economical cities in Europe. Interns’ responsibilities will include development of new language courses, proof-reading of language courses, and translation of the app interface. Interns should possess basic understanding of Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and App Store Optimization (ASO).

The deadline is on 30 June 2020.


Main criteria

  • Candidates currently studying in a European university with B2 level skills in foreign languages are encouraged to apply
  • Upon sending their CV, candidates will be invited for a Skype interview

Photo: Shutterstock / Edited by: Martina Advaney

Find out more about this and other available internships.

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