Join Youth Time International Movement with AI In The Workplace Webinar

Join YTIM and Dr Sarah Bankins for the next webinar in the Future Skills for Workplace Sustainability series all about AI.

Youth Time International Movement is back with its next online event in their ‘Future Skills for Workplace Sustainability’ Webinar Series on Tuesday 15th June at 12pm CET as they discuss AI in the workplace with Dr Sarah Bankins.

If you want to be part of this Zoom event, which is set to be fascinating, click on this link to register. You can also register your interest on the Youth Time International Movement’s Facebook page.


Webinar Focus

Technology is exponentially growing and evolving as a field with the rest of the world generally playing catch up.

Artificial intelligence or AI is one of the central drivers of this and is more involved in day-to-day life than most of us are aware of.

Algorithms drive the modern world from social media to advertisements to applying for a job and even driving your car or navigating from point A to point B.

Ethical technology and how to use technology ethically is the burgeoning question for society as we move into the age of digitisation.

This webinar is a part of the ‘Future Skills for Workplace Sustainability’ series and is focused on ethical AI in the modern age of work.

Not just the science fiction of movies or books but the immediate use of artificial intelligence in the workplace and how it could impact you right now.

During this webinar Dr. Bankins will introduce and discuss the concept of Ethical AI, what exactly it is, how it functions in the workplace, and the conditions that allow for ethics to play a part. Not sure what AI has to do with you? Want to know what you can expect in the future workplace or how to adjust to this change? This is your chance to ask an expert in the field!

This webinar is suited to all people from all backgrounds. Understanding how AI can and will alter the workplace is crucial for creating a partnership between technology and labor. AI is the future but maintaining human capital and using AI as a tool rather than the core of the workplace will ensure success.


About Dr Bankins

Dr Sarah Bankins is a Senior Lecturer in the Macquarie Business School, Macquarie University, Australia. Her research looks at how people experience their employee-employer relationships, particularly to understand how people can have meaningful and positive experiences at work.

Currently, her focus is on examining the implications of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for work and workers, such as its impacts on job design, the meaningfulness of work, worker identity, and how ethical AI principles can be applied in a workplace context.

Before joining academia, Sarah worked in various human resource management roles

Did you miss our  last webinar? No fear, we have you covered on YTIM’s YouTube channel.

Join Us For Misinformation Webinar With Dr Victoria Rubin

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