How to Treat Yourself with an Improvised Holiday if You Didn’t Manage to Plan One Ahead

For a few of us in the working force, summer was hectic, and enjoying holidays was not even an option. Yet, some people found their way to relaxation. Here’s how.

Planning a well-spent holiday often requires a lot of commitment. We have to decide on the place we want to go, have to manage bookings, schedule our days off at work a long time ahead, and coordinate with partners, friends, or family members to see if we can enjoy holidays together. Sometimes, there’s not really too much time left for all this planning.

That is why it is important to have a spontaneous mindset every once in a while, which will allow you to transmit your mind and body to nearby places, which can be enjoyed maybe even on a very low budget, but where you can actually take the time to be with yourself as well as your loved ones. 

Here are some tips, to improvise your holidays, although these can be tailored to other alternatives depending on what you find relaxing and what contributes to your well-being.


Decide What You Need Most Out of Your Time Off

Although we may often be tempted to use our two days off to maybe travel to a beach nearby, or hike, it is important to listen to our body and ask it “What is it that you need?” See how your body and mind will respond. If you need sleep, then stay in and rest. If you need to socialize, by all means, call up your friends and go on a short road trip. But remember, just because they’re called holidays, it does not mean you need to necessarily have a plan outside of the house. You can manage to start feeling relaxed and blissful, even by staying in, if that is what you have been craving.


Think of Places Nearby Where You Can Relax & Be Mindful

All of us have some places nearby that we enjoy going to. There might be a lake or a small river in our city, which we can visit for a refreshment. We may try going to a swimming pool, that park where we usually don’t get to enjoy too long during short breaks because we always have to go back to work. This nice relaxing place can even be a coffee shop, where they serve the most delicious cookies that you just happen to love. There. Boost your serotonin. Visit these types of places that make you feel good.


Try to Be a Tourist in Your Own City for a Day

Have you ever tried to look at your city with the eyes of a person who has never been there before? I think this approach can often help us identify things, persons, and places we usually take for granted just because we have them right across the corner. Be a tourist in your city for a day! Visit local museums, shops, and art galleries. Enjoy local guides and tourist attractions, and see how you feel.


Practice Your Own Personal Rituals 

Did I say that holidays are not necessarily meant to visit the beach? Well, here I am repeating it. On your days off, make your home a living temple. If you’re a morning person, get up really early and enjoy the sun rising in the quietness of the room — if you live with roomies, kids, or siblings, you’ll understand the importance of what I’m saying. Take a long bath, conduct your skincare routine, and water your plants. Routines and rituals are underrated, in relation to just how much they improve our sense of well-being.


Treat Yourself with Food, Beverages, a Good Book, or a TV Show

Sometimes I think that being able to order food from the comfort of our beds is the best times to be living! If you’ve been draining yourself throughout the whole summer, striving to remain healthy, cooking, and still finishing all of your work shifts – then do take some time off. Treat yourself to your favorite food and play your favorite TV show. It doesn’t matter if you spend all of your days off like this. Do not blame yourself for thinking you’re lazy. Outdoor holiday fun is not always what you need. You do you! 


Make Your Environment Feel Cozy

Prior to starting your days off, make sure your space is all clean and cozy to adapt to your peace of mind. Remove any sort of item that you don’t need anymore, and declutter your living environment. It’s recommended to maybe do this on your first day off, so that you can continue to enjoy the rest of the days, feeling relaxed. Certainly, a clean and decluttered environment also contributes to a more relaxed mind.



Photo: Look Studio/Shutterstock


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