No partner, no problem! Try these ideas to give lots of love to yourself this Valentine's Day.
Who would not like to have their significant other on Valentine’s Day? When lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts, romantic gestures for their soulmate? I grew up watching romantic movies and, somehow in my mind I had idealized this day.
I am married, but I clearly remember the feeling I had on Valentine’s Day when I was single. Somehow felt like a romantic failure on February 14. Later on, I met my now-husband and I thought when the time would come and the V-day would be around the corner, I would start preparing something special for us. Frankly, I was expecting the same thing from my partner. But no!
He is not into these kinds of holidays.
When we first met we had this topic, and he said: “I don’t like celebrating Valentine’s Day.” I was shocked! I started questioning his love for me.
Years after that period, I understand him. You fall in love with a real person, not a movie character. Now the way I perceive this day has also changed. Valentine’s Day should not be the only day when lovers celebrate love. What matters most is how your partner treats you or how you treat them the other 364 days of the year.
What Is the Real Story of Valentine’s Day?
Valentine’s Day is a celebration honoring Saint Valentine of Rome and Saint Valentine of Terni, who were both martyred in the Third Century. Over the years, this celebration has morphed into an over-commercialized holiday. While the overreaching purpose of the holiday is to spread love and goodwill, it can be a bit annoying for those who find themselves single on February 14.
The formal messages or Valentines appeared in the 1500s. By the late 1700s, the first commercially-printed cards were being used. Valentines commonly depict Cupid, the Roman God of Love, along with hearts, traditionally the seat of emotion. Because it was thought that the avian mating season begins in mid-February, birds also became a symbol of the day. Traditional gifts include candy and flowers, particularly roses, a symbol of beauty and love.
Finding Yourself Single on Valentine’s Day
No partner, no problem! Try these ideas to give lots of love to yourself this Valentine’s Day.
Some ideas on how to be happily single on Valentine’s Day:
- Make yourself a care package. Fill a pretty box or basket with a few of your favorite things to enjoy on Valentine’s Day.
- Go shopping. Allow yourself to spend a little. You deserve it. Buy yourself a little something: a perfume you always wanted, a pair of shoes, or anything else you need to treat yourself.
- Plan a fun night with your single friends. Call your single friends and make this holiday about hanging out together. Make dinner reservations for an evening out with your group and enjoy each other’s company.
- Make a list of at least three things you love about yourself. Whether it’s a part of your body, something about your personality, or a special talent you have –- write it down and show yourself some love.
- Spa night. Indulge in some self-care at home with a face mask, bubble bath, and candles. It’s probably been too long since you took some time out for yourself.
- Get pampered. Schedule yourself a manicure/pedicure appointment, relax and let someone else take care of you.
- Be selfish. Do something that makes you happy, maybe that’s yoga class, dancing, or baking something. You do you.
- Wear something that makes you feel good. Wearing your favorite outfit with your favorite shoes will automatically put a smile on your face.
- Take some downtime. Watch Netflix, have some rest, or go for a walk.
Who said that it has to be someone else to do it for you on Valentine’s Day? It doesn’t have to be just about the love of your partner. Self-love comes first!
Remember what Rupi Kaur said: “how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”
Photo: Tijana Moraca/
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