Hearing your favorite musicians perform live is an amazing experience. It can also cost a pretty penny and have other downsides such as crowds. Luckily, it is possible to enjoy real-life performances from the comfort of your home. Virtual concerts give you all the control and convenience. You can watch on your phone, computer or television. You don’t have to worry about a tall person blocking your view or missing out while you take a bathroom break!
One World: Together At Home
One World: Together At Home concerts are unlike anything the world has ever experienced! This global broadcast and digital special brought together dozens of top musicians, comedians and celebrities to support frontline healthcare workers and the WHO. This Saturday, April 18th, a grand list of performers will entertain the world between 14:00 and 22:00 EST. These include Alicia Keys, Kieth Urban, Usher, Lady Gaga, Elton John and so many more. The lineup is still growing and this concert will be amazing.
You can watch the concert via Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Facebook, Instagram, TuneIn, Twitch, Twitter or YouTube. The official website offers a list of channels around the world so that anyone can watch. While various performances will be happening between 14:00 and 20:00, the main linear concert will take place between 20:00 and 22:00. You can get the most by tuning in right at 14:00 and following the event throughout the day.
Live Concert Showcase
Jackson Business Connections is hosting a live concert showcase on April 16th and 17th. You have to register on Eventbrite to join, but the concerts are 100% free. On April 16th you can enjoy five hours of music starting at 17:00 and playing until 21:00 EST. The lineup includes Peyton Lescher, Matt Fowler, Heather Craig, Walt Kulwicki and Vrittani Mueller. On April 17th the lineup includes Damon Slaughter, Minstrel of Rock, Fre Gordon and Summer Frost Jones. Friday’s show starts at 17:00 and finishes at 20:00 EST.

Royal Albert Home
The Royal Albert Hall is 150 years old this year. It is a concert hall on the northern edge of south Kensington in London and it happens to be one of the UK’s most treasured and distinctive buildings. Currently, it is offering free streams of the performances. You can find the full program on their website and see what is playing when. In the upcoming days, you can enjoy cellist Ayanna Witter-Johnson, musician Baxter Dury and Opera for Kids – Amazing Arias.
Miley Cyrus
Instagram has been a popular platform for musicians to share their music for free. Miley Cyrus has taken it a step further and is offering daily entertainment between Monday and Friday. On these days between 11:30 and 12:30 PST she will be hosting Bright Minded on her Instagram page. During this hour she will perform and she invites other celebrities and singers to provide free entertainment for anyone who wants to watch.
The Show Must Go On
This YouTube channel is offering weekly full-length broadway shows completely for free! Every Friday, a new smash-hit musical will be released and available for 48 hours. This means that you can watch and rewatch it all weekend long without paying anything. On April 3rd the chosen show was Jesus Christ Superstar with Tim Minchin. The week after that it was Close Every Door with Donny Osmond. This Friday, April 17th we can look forward to Phantom of the Opera and the teaser is already available!
Sadler’s Wells
Sadler’s Wells was founded in 1683 and is the world’s #1 venue dedicated to international dance. They present dance in all forms from contemporary to flamenco, ballet to hip hop and more. Currently, they are offering videos of performances as well as workshops. These are available for free on their Facebook page. On Friday, April 17th, they are premiering the Thread: inspired by ancient mythology and set to explosive electronic music, this contemporary dance production explores changing forms of traditional Greek dance. This one-hour and 15 minute performance will become available at 14:30 EST and will stay online for a week.
Light in the Attic
This YouTube channel is all about music. While they don’t have any live shows coming up, they do have a two-hour concert available from April 3rd. They may not include too many of today’s top performing artists, but they have a great variety of genres. Listen to the soothing melodies of soul-gospel, jazz and more. Stay tuned for upcoming live concerts by amazing musicians. The last concert helped collect donations for MusiCares.
Garth Brooks
Facebook is another great platform for musicians to stream free content for the public. Garth Brooks is an American singer and songwriter. His integration of rock and pop elements into the country genre has earned him popularity in the United States and across the globe. He is using his Facebook page to offer free concerts that are performed live but can be watched at a later date. Facebook also has a great feature where you can start a watch party to enjoy the same video with friends and family in real time. He last performed on April 13th and has been providing content on a weekly basis, so stay tuned for more.
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen is an American singer, songwriter and musician who is both a solo artist and the leader of the E Street Band. He gained popularity in 1970 and gained fame all over the world. On April 14th, Bruce Springsteen performed in a virtual concert called the JERSEY 4 JERSEY Benefit Show. He may have more live performances coming up, but he also released footage of his 2009 concert in Hyde Park, London. You can enjoy the high quality video and audio of his live concerts on YouTube. This is the first time that footage from a live performance has been available for free to the public.
Metallica is a popular heavy metal band formed in 1981 in Los Angeles. Currently, they are featuring weekly full live shows every Monday! Starting at 20:00 EDT every week, you can enjoy two or more hours of live heavy metal. They have been doing this for four weeks now and you can find all the performances on their YouTube page.
Many performers are sharing their musical talents with the public for free. There are so many platforms that allow viewers to enjoy these concerts on their choice device. It is a whole new way to enjoy performances directly from your home. Between live streams on their private social media pages to collaborations amongst top singers, there is a lot of virtual entertainment available at no cost at all.
Find out more on how to bring art and history to your room in this article.
Photos: Shutterstock / Collage: Martina Advaney
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