Goethe Travel Grants For Artists From Abroad To Perform In Germany

Music ensembles and soloists from developing and transition countries that aim to perform in Germany are invited to apply for grants from Goethe-Institut. Generally, the funding covers travel costs. Applications must be submitted at least six months in advance. The application process is ongoing.

The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. They promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation.

The funding is for music projects of ensembles from developing and transition countries as per the DAC list that cannot afford the cost of international travel owing to their economic situation.

It is for professional ensembles and artists as well as for amateur and youth ensembles. As a rule, it takes the form of a travel grant.

The applicant ensemble must demonstrate a high level of musicianship and cultural significance of the project.

Artistic exchange must be central to the project. Coherent programme and schedule are required.

Applications for funding for music projects in Germany must be submitted at least six months before the planned start of the project.

The application process is ongoing.


Main Criteria

  • Detailed project description
  • Recent audio recording
  • Brief history of the foreign ensemble
  • Detailed timetable and schedule
  • Invitation extended by the applicant to the foreign ensemble

Find out more here.

Photo: Shutterstock / Edited by: Martina Advaney

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