Last week we introduced the category of cereal grains with gluten. This week we shall complete the chapter by listing gluten free grains for those who want to – or who have to – consume gluten free food.
Gluten free grains can be used in many ways. When compared with grains containing gluten the binding ablility of gluten free grains is much lesser and this must therefore be compensated using other means such as mixing starch while baking. Gluten free grains can also be used in salads, side dishes or even in patties. They can also be ground into flour and prepared in the form of breads, cakes and pancakes. The number of dishes is though not limited to this list.
Polenta fries
Vegan stuffed squash with millet, tomatoes and olives
Buckwheat with vegetables
Quinoa salad
Amaranth porridge
Eragrostis tef
Typical Ethiopian injera food made of teff cereal
Brown rice
Nasi Campur, asian dish made of brown rice
Gluten free oats
Oatmeal with fruits
Read also our articles about eggs, potatoes, milk, rice and cereal grains.
Photos: Shutterstock
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