Five Travel Themed Podcasts You Need To Listen To Right Now

Podcasts have exploded in popularity in recent years, and do not show any signs of slowing down. They’re almost accessible anywhere, on any type of device, and unlike radio, you can download and save them to listen at any time you would like to. There are inspirational podcasts, podcasts for entertainment and podcasts for educational purposes.

Most of my time is spent listening to podcasts, and most of the money I save goes towards my traveling. It should go without saying that I listen to a lot of travel themed podcasts. These five travel themed podcasts I’ve compiled can help you with pre-trip planning, inspire you about a place you would never think about traveling to, provide rich and thoughtful histories, and even cover niche topics such as travel photography and travel writing. 

Travel With Rick Steves

Rick Steves is a well-established American author and television personality most known for his T.V. series Rick Steves’s Europe. He interviews authors, filmmakers, advocates, and plethora of experts from all over the world to discuss history, food, and current events in a structured and engaging style. Since it is technically a radio show, he has a hotline for callers to ask the interviewees questions. You can find a full list of his episodes here.

Extra Pack of Peanuts

Travel bloggers Travis and Heather Sherry host this podcast geared toward a millennial audience where they go in depth of the countries they have explored and what makes each country fascinating and unique in their own right. Their travel stories range from the bizarre to the magical, and have inspired me to become more adventurous and open to any type of possibility while on the road.

Zero To Travel Podcast

Jason Moore interviews authors, photographers, and other podcasters such as Travis Sherry in order to give advice to his listeners, whether they wish to travel for fun or for work. This is a great resource for anyone in niche traveling communities such as travel blogging, travel photography, or simply wanting to extend your travels if you find yourself falling in love with a new place.

Power Trip Travel Podcast

This is an excellent podcast for anyone who has inklings towards a career in entrepreneurship. They review products, websites, apps, and other various travel gear while also giving plenty of advice such as traveling without guilt and the best ways to save money before heading out on your next adventure.

As Told By Nomads

As Told by Nomads has so far been the most unique travel podcast that I have come across, because it is hosted by Tayo Rockson, a man who identifies as a third culture kid (a child raised in a culture that is not their parents’). While it is similar to the other travel podcasts I have described in terms of tips and interviews, his emphasis on the challenges third culture kids, people of color, and women face in the travel business and world at large gives the podcast a socially conscious slant which makes it refreshing in the travel podcast world.

Bonus Podcast* Coffee Break German

While this is technically not a travel podcast and would be considered educational, it can help you immensely before you set off in a country if you wish to learn a new language. I personally used this podcast to gain some knowledge of the German language before a bit I backpacked for a month around the country, but there are also podcasts for Spanish, French, Italian, and Chinese (LINK EIGHT), so start practicing!

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