European Grant Competition – Win up to $15,000

The Global Challenges Local Solutions Grant Competition is now open to Europe-based foundations.  Submit your SDG-related project proposal and have a chance to receive up to $15,000 in funding! The deadline is on 20 July 2020.


Global Challenges Local Solutions grantmaking program supports European Community Foundations and associations, implementing SDG-related projects on the local level. European Grant Competition was set to provide grassroots organizations across Europe with additional resources that can improve local initiatives.

The fund provides project grants of up to $15.000 to proposals by community foundations, registered and operating in Europe. Projects should address the Sustainable Development Goals on the local level. Additionally, there should be a clear link between implementing SDG-related learning and capacity-building activities in the community.

The grant committee will evaluate proposals based on the adequacy of the planned activities to the local community’s needs defined in the project and its feasibility and effectiveness. Projects should indicate the scale of engaging local community members, replicability and the possibility of its implementation by the other local organizations.

The deadline is on 20 July 2020.


Main criteria

  • The Program requires a mandatory co-funding, the applicant has to possess additional financial input: 25% of the awarded grant while applying
  • Applications may be submitted only by community foundations, registered and operating in Europe
  • Only foundations and associations are eligible to apply for the grant

Photo: Shutterstock / Edited by: Martina Advaney

Find out more about European Grant Competition and other available opportunities. 

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